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Equinox Festival 2018 21st - 24th September

Here's what you need ;)

Dates on the above Equinox website (and on their Facebook ) : 21st to 24th September 2018, which makes it Friday to Monday -- strange :confused:

(Again, much as I'd like to return, I can't make Equinox 2018 sadly ... far too bloody far away .... :( )
Equinoxers : I really hope you all survive the gales especially ... as well as the rain :(

Good luck with it all, and I hope all bands play fiercely enough to help everyone get through it :cool:

I suppose most festivalgoers there, and bands too, are hardcore and experienced enough to deal ..... big support coming atcha anyway :)
Equinoxers : I really hope you all survive the gales especially ... as well as the rain :(

Good luck with it all, and I hope all bands play fiercely enough to help everyone get through it :cool:

I suppose most festivalgoers there, and bands too, are hardcore and experienced enough to deal ..... big support coming atcha anyway :)

Well Ali and Bronagh made life interesting last week including flattening our tent among others and damaging some of the stalls, but the show must go on and go on it did. :D

Luckily the weather at the weekend didn't happen as forecast and it turned out lovely
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