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Elder Scrolls VI - Speculation Thread


Well-Known Member
Over 5 years now since Skyrim was released. There were 5 years between Skyrim and Oblivion. 4 years between Oblivion and Morrowind. 6 Years between Morrowind and Daggerfall. And 2 years between Daggerfall and Arena.

Obviously the introduction of ESO means that this is likely to be the longest gap we've seen between individual titles.

Surely we can't be too far off some form of announcement though? Maybe at E3 in June?

Anyway, where in in Tamriel would you like to see the game? Any features you'd like to see.

Black Marsh sounds interesting, I think a co-op feature would be great too. I'd like to see more gore as well. Like we see in Fallout
My prediction is 2019. And BGS titles only get announced at most 1 year to 6 months before release. So don't hold your breath!

Oh and ESO is by a different developer, so shouldn't technically have any impact on the development schedule of the next TES game. They have only released Fallout 4 less than 6 months ago though and have DLC planned, that will have an impact for sure.

No to co-op, BGS should focus on single player experience.
I'm interested in all three!! I just like the chronological boredom Factor, NMS into ME A, into TESV.

After that, who knows... Mortgage?
Last big title for the PS5 I reckon.
I hear it may be called "Redguard" and based around the Alik'r desert.

I should just about have finished my 'Legendary difficulty' playthrough on Skyrim...
Last big title for the PS5 I reckon.
I hear it may be called "Redguard" and based around the Alik'r desert.

I should just about have finished my 'Legendary difficulty' playthrough on Skyrim...

That would be good, Skyrim and Oblivion haven't really come close to Morrowind in terms of design and environment and heading away from stereotyped Norse and High fantasy might give the art a bit of a kick up the arse. Not that Skyrim's design wasn't great in many ways I hasten to add, they did mountainous and tundra very well (and some of the Falmer-infested Dwemer ruins were inspiring), but Morrowind just had that feeling of being something alien but familiar.

Oh yeah woods, they had good woods in Skyrim.
That would be good, Skyrim and Oblivion haven't really come close to Morrowind in terms of design and environment and heading away from stereotyped Norse and High fantasy might give the art a bit of a kick up the arse. Not that Skyrim's design wasn't great in many ways I hasten to add, they did mountainous and tundra very well (and some of the Falmer-infested Dwemer ruins were inspiring), but Morrowind just had that feeling of being something alien but familiar.

Oh yeah woods, they had good woods in Skyrim.

I'd prefer a totally new province. Valenwood sounds like it could be the bomb from the lore about it (giant migrating tree towns?).
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