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Dulwich Hamlet v Bromley - Pre-Season Friendly, Tues 11th July 2023

Bromley’s youth team win 4-3 on penalties after twice coming from a goal down. Wanadio and Braham-Barrett with our goals in each half.
Trialist G looked useful, decent link play in the final third in central areas and lots of energy and pace.
Presumably he is closer to signing permanently given he was the only trialist to play in the second half with the players who are already contracted.
Trialist G looked useful, decent link play in the final third in central areas and lots of energy and pace.
Presumably he is closer to signing permanently given he was the only trialist to play in the second half with the players who are already contracted.

Yeh that was the guy with no number on Saturday. I think he looks lively.
Great to be back at Champion Hill tonight after the break. Some good football on display, and good goals.

Slightly worrying that we were on top in the shoot out only for our two main strikers to miss and hand it to Bromley for the win.

Bromley had a lively young 'crew' who added atmosphere without aggression; would have them anytime over the obnoxious fat old guys they brought previously.

£6 for a pint is well up on last season but in line with local pubs. 10% discount still available for ST holders on Peckham Pale.
On the beer front, the EDT do Volden session for £3.40 and Volden pale for a quid more (both cask and very good). Might be worth seeing if they could replicate for us at a similar price..
Great to be back at Champion Hill tonight after the break. Some good football on display, and good goals.

Slightly worrying that we were on top in the shoot out only for our two main strikers to miss and hand it to Bromley for the win.

Bromley had a lively young 'crew' who added atmosphere without aggression; would have them anytime over the obnoxious fat old guys they brought previously.

£6 for a pint is well up on last season but in line with local pubs. 10% discount still available for ST holders on Peckham Pale.

They also refused to walk on the rainbow flags painted around the ground and called each other gay if they did so yeah, probably just those fat old onnoxious mens kids
Thought their number 9 looked like exactly the kind of player we could do with at the moment. Very mobile, quick, runs beyond the back line. I see he was on loan at Cray last season - I wonder if they'd let us have him for a bit!

For those that couldn't make it, this was him spanking in Bromley's first.

I can see Allen and Ricketts being a good combination in midfield. Binnom-Williams looked good and loved his forward runs and combining with Braham-Barrett. Still need another keeper who will probably be the No1 and a striker, which as said above could be the one who trialled yesterday.
If we go with a back 3 I can see the team that started the 2nd half with a new keeper, Wanadio or Jeffrey instead of Shokumbi ( use him when we need to be more compact) and a striker to support Mills.
I know Bromley’s Academy has been strong for a number of years with an excellent set both on the educational side and on the footballing with many of those players last night progressing through the system from an early age. I also know early days in pre season is a difficult time to have our newly assembled squad gelling. But at the end of the day we drew with Bromley’s youth team so I’m intrigued to hear of comparisons between our experience and their youth in the key areas last night. 1689160996359.png
How was Trialist C? Assuming it was the same 17 as Saturday, I really liked the look of him from what I saw second half against Altona.
How was Trialist C? Assuming it was the same 17 as Saturday, I really liked the look of him from what I saw second half against Altona.

Wasn't the same 17 as Saturday - this one played left back. The 17 from yesterday's game wasn't there for Saturday, as far as I could tell. My friend is a Bromley fan and she thought the 17 was good.

I think you might be referring to the smaller lad with curly black hair? Played played first half yesterday. Seems lively enough - suspect he's come out of an academy somewhere.

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet lose to Bromley FC after penalty shootout at Champion Hill, Tues 11th July 2023

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet lose to Bromley FC after penalty shootout at Champion Hill, Tues 11th July 2023

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet lose to Bromley FC after penalty shootout at Champion Hill, Tues 11th July 2023

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet lose to Bromley FC after penalty shootout at Champion Hill, Tues 11th July 2023

More here - In photos: Dulwich Hamlet lose to Bromley FC after penalty shootout at Champion Hill, Tues 11th July 2023
Perhaps in future season all triallists could be allocated alphanumeric codenames so that fans don’t become confused?
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