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Don't even think about it

They don't need a psychic ability to undertake electronic surveillance.
Thanks Captain obvious, its shame when the narrow minded in here prefer to let their opinions of others posters cloud there reading perception in their haste to make quick dig
My statement was simply an expression of a possibe direction that such pre-emptive tactics could go, probably not obvious enough for the likes of you
Thanks Captain obvious, its shame when the narrow minded in here prefer to let their opinions of others posters cloud there reading perception in their haste to make quick dig
My statement was simply an expression of a possibe direction that such pre-emptive tactics could go, probably not obvious enough for the likes of you
we're not privy to the intelligence that's behind these charges but people with long memories will recall that cops have been known to knock on doors in advance of protests to warn people off what they were planning, if memory serves this happened round the time of the g20 in 2009.
Thanks Captain obvious, its shame when the narrow minded in here prefer to let their opinions of others posters cloud there reading perception in their haste to make quick dig
My statement was simply an expression of a possibe direction that such pre-emptive tactics could go, probably not obvious enough for the likes of you


As PM has pointed out above this sort of thing has been going on for years, the fact that you seem to think is something new is not my problem.
my memory says 2012 olympics had pre emptive arrests, ill check later
Might've been Royal Wedding, iirc one of the things I have a grudge against Chris Knight for is that he gave one of those interviews to the media saying "we're going to have the best protests against the Royal Wedding ever and it's going to be really cool and disruptive" and then a few days later people were getting their doors put in. I definitely used to know a guy who'd get letters through the door from Yorkshire coppers before EDL marches telling him to stay away (he was with the opposition, not the EDL, obv).
Might've been Royal Wedding, iirc one of the things I have a grudge against Chris Knight for is that he gave one of those interviews to the media saying "we're going to have the best protests against the Royal Wedding ever and it's going to be really cool and disruptive" and then a few days later people were getting their doors put in. I definitely used to know a guy who'd get letters through the door from Yorkshire coppers before EDL marches telling him to stay away (he was with the opposition, not the EDL, obv).
ah yes, the nutty professor
Standard tactic for the old Bill for years. Locking up people before protests.

Of course, actually successfully investigating once criminal offences have actually occurred is getting rarer…
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