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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

Funny how conservatives bemoan 'playing the race card' until.... its convenient. Self-professed 'black Nazi' says hes a victim of a high tech lynching, just like Uncle Clarance.

... and the Feminist card. I recall a few years ago when Megan Kelly was talking about sexual harassment at Fox. She'd hated on Feminists for years on Fox News and then wanted their support when she it suited her.
Yep. I have neighbors and friends I've known most of my life that support him. Its sad what Trumpism has done to the country. Its divided marriages, families, and friends.

The conversations I’ve had with family have been more rancorous than ever before. Even when we were having tricky and even heated conversations about race and racism in the past, I don’t recall this degree of bitterness beneath the words. It’s really upsetting.
I’m sure that’s true.

But, I’m also seeing some of my folks actually adopting / expressing stuff that’s more aligned with the Trump stuff.

Like, one of them has been posting on Facebook about how America needs to turn away from satan and how abortion is evil. I’ve never heard or seen anything like this from him before. When we’d go to church with Granny, he never came with us and given how many children he’s fathered with different women I’d be surprised if none of his partners had ever had an abortion.

They’re generally far more open, brazen etc about views I’ve always known were there re: race, LBGT etc. And one of the people who used to visit regularly for cookouts and other social events was gay. He was always welcome. This hateful stuff was less hot, less vital. It was the background hum. No doubt they hid their views from us Brits (not least because we’d take them to task when we could); but I’m also certain that the prevailing attitudes were just not especially high on the priority list. The South trundled along being the South, prevailing views were safely passed down the generations intact.

Now that they see their old complacencies being challenged (statues taken down, the confederate flag more openly challenged, the BLM movement etc.) those things are becoming more critical for them.

Trump is saying out loud how they think and feel. The crazy stuff he’s coming out with doesn’t matter. He may be talking shit like old Uncle Bubba but that’s just cos he’s old; that’s forgiven or excused.

Yes, I have a friend who I've known since he was 16. He's a Trump supporter. For a while he was going on about trafficking kids for sex, how evil it was, and how the Democrats were neck deep. When he was in the military, he used to brag about going into port in some countries and hiring young prostitutes. What does he think he was doing then? Since then, he's gotten really religious (raised Catholic). He's really gotten some really fucking awful ideas about women from religion. A while ago he was going on about Taylor Swift. He said that most of her songs were all about choosing the wrong man, and so her opinion shouldn't be listened to. I had to laugh out loud, because he's been married and divorced twice. Just no self-awareness.

At heart, what I think motivates Trump support is a combination of tribalism and white replacement theory.
The conversations I’ve had with family have been more rancorous than ever before. Even when we were having tricky and even heated conversations about race and racism in the past, I don’t recall this degree of bitterness beneath the words. It’s really upsetting.

I've had to put my foot down with some people and make a rule that we can't discuss politics.
Surely someone is feeding him these words. They’re so specifically incendiary.

He doesn’t read so I doubt he’s harvesting them from source. Does he watch the war channel every night? I can see him doing that but then we’d probably know about it?

He’s preparing for when /if he loses isn’t he. Stoking the fires, setting the land mines.
Or whoever is pulling his strings is doing that.

A lot of his rhetoric is a rehash of the American Nazi Party of the 1930s. His father was reputed to have been in attendance at one of their rallies. It's entirely possible his source is his father.
Yes, I have a friend who I've known since he was 16. He's a Trump supporter. For a while he was going on about trafficking kids for sex, how evil it was, and how the Democrats were neck deep. When he was in the military, he used to brag about going into port in some countries and hiring young prostitutes. What does he think he was doing then? Since then, he's gotten really religious (raised Catholic). He's really gotten some really fucking awful ideas about women from religion. A while ago he was going on about Taylor Swift. He said that most of her songs were all about choosing the wrong man, and so her opinion shouldn't be listened to. I had to laugh out loud, because he's been married and divorced twice. Just no self-awareness.

At heart, what I think motivates Trump support is a combination of tribalism and white replacement theory.

Him having done it himself (being a paedo using girls who were probably trafficked) is why he's so quick to accuse others of it, really. He did it, and in own opinion of himself he's not even a bad guy, so those people that he already considers bad must be doing it too.
Yes, I have a friend who I've known since he was 16. He's a Trump supporter. For a while he was going on about trafficking kids for sex, how evil it was, and how the Democrats were neck deep. When he was in the military, he used to brag about going into port in some countries and hiring young prostitutes. What does he think he was doing then? Since then, he's gotten really religious (raised Catholic). He's really gotten some really fucking awful ideas about women from religion. A while ago he was going on about Taylor Swift. He said that most of her songs were all about choosing the wrong man, and so her opinion shouldn't be listened to. I had to laugh out loud, because he's been married and divorced twice. Just no self-awareness.

At heart, what I think motivates Trump support is a combination of tribalism and white replacement theory.

The most religious folks (for example my Southern Baptist relatives who have always been very judgemental and weird about certain things) haven’t travelled as great a distance. I mean, they’re pretty much where they’ve always been, not become more extreme. The ones who were previously less extreme (the Methodists) have pretty much joined them. Even though they didn’t align with them before, they do now.

The thing is, the Southern Baptists always had this ersatz “kindness” and “Christian values” thing that allowed them to go around behaving as if they’re kind and gentle, and that hasn’t changed. So actually, they now seem less extreme than the ones who’ve travelled and adopted the more extreme views.
I don't think anyone is pulling his strings. I think people have tried but he's too uncontrolled and unpredictable and no matter how hard they try he just go wildly charging off.
I don't think he's planning for his defeat because I think he is so narcissistic and self-centred he can't conceive of being defeated.
He won't accept it though nothing will convince him that he lost and wasn't cheated, he is going to be a massive pain post-election.
Harris does need to win so decisively that the result is unchallengeable.

I agree that no one is pulling his strings. He’s a loose cannon really.

But I also think there’s more going on behind the scenes, more Machiavellian stuff capitalising on what he’s enabling.

The way Loomer has influenced him is pretty clear. He’s not beyond being swayed, or shunted. It just needs to play to his own tendencies.

(I don’t think Loomer is pulling any levers either. She’s an opportunist, like Scaramouchi is).

And no, he’s not planning for his defeat. That’s not what I meant at all.

I know I keep saying this stuff and it’s not because I’m insisting on anyone agreeing with me, it’s because it seems to me that what I’m saying is not being understood.

He’s like a zombie. He’s not planning and thinking. He has an instinctive obligatory impulse to pursue the goal. There’s very little thinking or planning there. He sets off in pursuit of the scent, like a creature. There’s low cunning. So when I say he’s preparing I don’t mean he’s thinking ahead. I mean that some instinct in him is dimly aware that he may not win (his comments over the last few days also indicate this) and so the goal has subtly shifted. As if the goal, the magnetic compass point, has shifted a little, and so his movements have also shifted towards the new goal.

So…. Not pulling the strings. Pulling the levers. Like a railway line. The direction has shifted, and so he has shifted his direction.

I know this sounds kinda bonkers, but some people will understand what I’m saying.
I never understood that “never discuss religion or politics” thing until it became a Thing with people I know.

I used to like discussing politics, religion, nearly anything until people started dressing up politics as "those people over there are evil." It's not even just people with different views anymore. You can't even like certain music or eat certain food, without being branded as "one of them." If you like salad, "you must be a commie who should be wiped out." Maybe I was naive, but I don't remember the genocidal bent things have taken.
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I'd suggest that you follow prunus ' advice. Or not. Your shout really. However, stupidity alone doesn't explain phenomena like a significant amount of woment being anti-choice for instance...

She also had that 'October Surprise' of James Comey announcing an FBI investigation into alleged corruption and wrongdoing charges which turobocharged Trump's 'crooked Hillary' schtick. Even though they subsequently stated she was clear of all charges prior to voting, it was too late and the damage had been done in critical batleground states. Trump rode that pony all the way to the finish line.
Excusing people for voting Trump is to me the same as excusing a mentally I'll rapist, that some event or medical condition is responsible for creating a monster doesn't stop me regarding them as a monster.
In the same way that acknowledging negative social pressure and manipulation might be behind someone becoming an idiot or cunt doesn't change my assesment of the end result
This made me laugh a bit, that Melania point blank refuses to stand by her man without a paycheck. Between using campaign funds to pay his legal bills and his wife (and very likely his moron sons too), it's a wonder there's any money left for actual campaigning. If she weren't so awful, I might even admire her stance. These people give new grim meaning to grift.

The former first lady spoke at two political fundraisers for the Log Cabin Republicans this year, and she was paid $237,500 for an April event, according to former President Donald Trump’s latest financial disclosure form. The payment was listed as a “speaking engagement.”

Trump’s latest disclosure form said Melania Trump was paid by the Log Cabin Republicans for the April fundraiser. But it’s a mystery who actually cut the check: Charles Moran, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, told CNN earlier this month the group did not put up the money for her to speak, and the disclosure form did not give any more information about the source of the payment.

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This made me laugh a bit, that Melania point blank refuses to stand by her man without a paycheck. Between using campaign funds to pay his legal bills and his wife, it's a wonder there's any money left for actual campaigning. If she weren't so awful, I might even admire her stance. These people give new meaning to grift.

Fucking hell, $237,500 to speak at a fund raiser for her own husband, unbelievable, but I guess grifters need to grift.
Family values but not as we know them.

Imagine if Harris was using campaign funds for similar? That Doug Emhoff was being paid to attend her rallies and/or speak at rallies? The outrage would be rightly thunderous.

Such a mindfuck, the twisted rule application the MAGAs live by.
She clearly married for money and status and has both so why wouldn't she be happy? All this Melania secretly hates him guff is a bit weird. It's not hard to divorce a rich man, it's poverty that keeps a lot of marriages together.
She clearly married for money and status and has both so why wouldn't she be happy? All this Melania secretly hates him guff is a bit weird. It's not hard to divorce a rich man, it's poverty that keeps a lot of marriages together.

Except trump is not a rich man. On the absolute contrary.

Of course she married for money and status (but mainly a visa) but that was then, this is now.

What's weird is you thinking that she's still happy with the status that being married to trump once upon a time gave her.
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Its less a marriage than it is a business transaction. I suppose if that's the only model you have for relationships, it might work well enough for you.
I don't doubt she has never been anything more other than a trophy to him and he has only ever been a meal ticket to her but he cheats brazenly and doesn't seem to treat her with even a modicum of respect. I'm sure he is as rude and pig ignorant to her as he is to everyone else. It wouldn't surprise me if she married him in the expectation he would have the decency to die and leave her a rich widow but twat can't even do that.
He's better off than me. And she just got a quarter million bucks for a night's work. Because of who she is.
It wasn't Trump though it seems to be yet more of his cultists. I suspect that if he had lost in 2016 then she would have been replaced before now with wife No 4
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