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Donald Trump - MAGAtwat news and discussion

Just thinking of the millions of voters that voted Trump suggests that can't be likely. There can't be that many stupid people in America. They voted in a different way to you, yes. And they probably voted for different reasons to ones you would vote on.

Welcome to my thinking about Brexit. I can't fathom what the people who voted against me were thinking, their choice was just crazy and based on a lot of rubbish put about by the politicians on that side.
That's obviously patently untrue.
When labour appear just like the tories I always think “well at least the tories were honest in fucking me over”

Putting Tories and honest in the same sentence is a bit :hmm:

However, I know what you mean. It's a version of what my dad told me in the 70s. "The Tories stand up for their class. Labour, in government, cannot be trusted to stand up for the working class."

And nothing has changed.
Every time I do try to engage, I'm jumped on by the old guard.

I still say his supporters and voters are stupid, hence his position now, but get pounced on for daring to say that.

I'm also pretty tired of the lazy crap about perpetrating "Trump is a bad man, rinse and repeat", as posted down thread. Everything I posted is relevant to the thread, and could get a discussion going on his latest antics, but I just get sneered at, with snarky remarks.

It seems to be the equivalent of the old boys club, or a student common room in here, with the quality of some of the posts. But hey the newbies just deserve a kicking for daring to think they can join in a forum without being patronised or laughed at.
It's not very nice that you should end up feeling like that. :(
It's not very nice that you should end up feeling like that. :(
It's only a small minority that are doing it but they've been pretty open about not wanting us here with comments saying old FMs would see us off etc

Conversely we have people like danny la rouge being welcoming while also challenging some of the things said (and thus generating discussion).

We had people whinging on and on about videos being posted and suggesting they should be spoilered and descriptions of the videos posted. That's been done and yet the same people continue whinging. Fuck me, it's like Jo Swinson shifting goalposts constantly in 2019.
Commenting on, bitching about, same thing. Read the boards, the trade off for light moderation is a lot of bitching about people's posts and that's what 5-10% of the boards is, it's not personal. Write better posts.
And breadandcircuse's post below is supremely demonstrated right here ^^

No it's not, but there are a number of posters here who seem to be totally lacking in self-awareness, and whilst castigating others for their posts, indulge in some shit posting themselves, hypocrites.
Every time I do try to engage, I'm jumped on by the old guard.

I still say his supporters and voters are stupid, hence his position now, but get pounced on for daring to say that.

I'm also pretty tired of the lazy crap about perpetrating "Trump is a bad man, rinse and repeat", as posted down thread. Everything I posted is relevant to the thread, and could get a discussion going on his latest antics, but I just get sneered at, with snarky remarks.

It seems to be the equivalent of the old boys club, or a student common room in here, with the quality of some of the posts. But hey the newbies just deserve a kicking for daring to think they can join in a forum without being patronised or laughed at.
Listen to Danny la rouge. He's nicer than most of us.

But you are not blameless yourself here. Of something I posted, you commented 'sounds like a subject for mastermind' rather than engage with what was said.
Listen to Danny la rouge. He's nicer than most of us.

But you are not blameless yourself here. Of something I posted, you commented 'sounds like a subject for mastermind' rather than engage with what was said.
For fuck sake, is there anything you won't take offence to? There seems to be a distinct lack of a sense of humour on here.
No it's not, but there are a number of posters here who seem to be totally lacking in self-awareness, and whilst castigating others for their posts, indulge in some shit posting themselves, hypocrites.

It's only a small minority that are doing it but they've been pretty open about not wanting us here with comments saying old FMs would see us off etc

Conversely we have people like danny la rouge being welcoming while also challenging some of the things said (and thus generating discussion).

We had people whinging on and on about videos being posted and suggesting they should be spoilered and descriptions of the videos posted. That's been done and yet the same people continue whinging. Fuck me, it's like Jo Swinson shifting goalposts constantly in 2019.
I suspect we remain as far apart as ever on the substance of this thread, even on how Urban should 'conduct its business'. However the 'schooling' stuff was horrible and, yes, bullying.

danny la rouge is though a class act. :)
Well, you were "jumped on" for posting up conspiracy type stuff about the ballot, and challenged about the reliability of your source, but chose just to ignore that instead of responding with a defence. For example.
The man had sent an urgent letter to the VP of the United States. It was being discussed in some quarters. I posted the full letter he had sent, so people could read/see/hear what he had to say.

Now put me on ignore, if you think my posts are so awful. Otherwise, jog on.
The man had sent an urgent letter to the VP of the United States. It was being discussed in some quarters. I posted the full letter he had sent, so people could read/see/hear what he had to say.

You didn't just post it up as a "look at this letter people are sharing", you stated that he knew what he was talking about. You presented it as reliable information. If you do that and it turns out that it's mostly nonsense, you will become regarded as someone not to pay much heed to.

Generally the expectation here is that people try not to post up stuff without some level of checking of sources. It's something that anyone is liable to get pulled up on, new or old. This expectation is one of the things that makes it more worthwhile reading threads here than discussions on crappy social media sites like facebook or Twitter. It's not unreasonable to want it to stay that way.
I'm not up here saying Labour are the solution, but we're not going to make headway by telling people they are all bad, all exactly the same, there's no levels, are only hope whatsoever is PR and X party or X party. That's a) too complicated a message, b) depressing, c) unrealistic a target, and d) trying to achieve step 37 in your aims when steps 3+4 aren't even remotely close to being achieved.
Just to go back to this, I think you're still misreading what people are saying. To revisit Danny's excellent post from earlier:

To me, politics is the sphere of acting in groups, in communities, in the processes of decision making over our future and acting together (or not) to that end. It might involve Parliamentary party politics, but it need not...

What matters is that when we become in local activity away from the ballot box. In the workplace or the community, in base union organising, in repairing a local path, in organising a community hall community, in arranging a breakfast club, in organising social events involving refugees and others in the community in a cultural exchange of food and music perhaps. Whatever form it takes, through those experiences your community will start to repair its natural solidarity; the practical sense of community, of mutual aid, that has been eroded by decades of neoliberal attrition. And that renewed solidarity will lead on to other things.
When people are arguing against support for Labour (at least from this perspective, obviously I can't speak for everyone), we're really, really not saying "the only hope is PR or X Party". We're saying something more like "Hey, if you're free on Thursday night, there's a free meal at the community centre down the road, it's going to be a mix of local people and the refugees that they've moved into that hotel."
From that perspective, telling people "vote Labour" is just as much jumping to step 37 as telling them to vote Revolutionary Communist or whatever, the fact that it's step 37 in a plan that we're not very keen on is almost irrelevant.
I’m at band practice so I should be paying attention to something Paul’s saying but I’m not.

Aye, I’m back to asking what you mean by stupid. Because if it’s just disappointment and irritation, then I get that. But there’s got to come a point when one lets it go. For one’s own mental well-being. However, if you are actually saying they’re below normal intelligence, then I think we need to examine that.
I’m at band practice so I should be paying attention to something Paul’s saying but I’m not.

Aye, I’m back to asking what you mean by stupid. Because if it’s just disappointment and irritation, then I get that. But there’s got to come a point when one lets it go. For one’s own mental well-being. However, if you are actually saying they’re below normal intelligence, then I think we need to examine that.
Pretty much the latter.
Disgusting scum as well as stupid. I've seen lots of commenters over the last few weeks saying the same.

A short vid from Farron about the threats he and others are getting from the maga turds, enabled by the orange pos.

The dollar spiked after his win was announced, and has stayed high. The markets loved his re-election. There's a lot you can say about markets but they don't tend to be stupid when it comes to their own self interest. Or perhaps they are. Stupidly thinking that their taxes will be cut and the businesses they invest in deregulated and that will make them more money. Which it will. What a bunch of thickos voting for more money.
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