baseline neural therapy
I'm WFH in a small room. It's getting rather chilly, despite it being the 1st day of June. I've put jumpers on, but it's obviously going to be an issue going forwards. It seems a bit much to heat the whole house when I'm just in one room and as it's a small space, it will probably get warm quite quickly (although the door needs to stay open a bit or cat goes bonkers). I started searching for most efficient electric heaters and infrared seems to come out best, they can be quite low wattage compared to other forms of electric heater. 350w or even 540w seems low. More expensive of course, but with energy prices going up, I imagine that's a cost that would pay for itself quickly. Apparently they distribute the heat on to people and objects. I'm curious if anyone uses one and if they are a decent buy.
I'm aware how bonkers looking at heaters in June is.
I'm aware how bonkers looking at heaters in June is.