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DNS on Godaddy query


Famous author , company CEO
I set up a business email a while back but logging back into the company Zoho it says its not configured anymore and theres a link to Godaddy to point the DNS to them - but if i do this would it wipe out the DNS for my webstore on shopify?
Yes your shopify site would stop working if your dns is setup wrong.

my works shopify site has A record pointed to a shopify ip address and CNAME for www. Pointed to shops.myshopify.com

This is seperate from DNS MX records used for email.

If you are changing DNS to a new provider then you need to make records are correct on new provider.

I would ask shopify support for advice on correct settings.
Yes your shopify site would stop working if your dns is setup wrong.

my works shopify site has A record pointed to a shopify ip address and CNAME for www. Pointed to shops.myshopify.com

This is seperate from DNS MX records used for email.

If you are changing DNS to a new provider then you need to make records are correct on new provider.

I would ask shopify support for advice on correct settings.
thanks for info
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