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Dip-dye hair question


Approved by toads
So, have purple dye ready to do ends of my hair (it's quite long, so I want to do a few inches at the bottom). Not bothered about it being totally even, in fact, wouldn't want it to be, but wondering if the technique I'm thinking of using will work OK.

The dye doesn't come with a brush as it's expected to be used the whole length, but if I were to put it in a low ponytail of the last few inches and smoosh the dye in to that section with the gloves on, should that come out all right? I presume I'd end up with a slightly 'shallower' dip dye on the front of the hair and it would be get deeper to the back and I think that would look OK, and also I almost never wear my hair down. NB, it's is pretty much one length all over.

Basically that would be the easiest way to do it myself and to avoid getting dye everywhere and having to cover myself with vaseline - lothe to ask my husband to help as he a) hates gooey stuff and b) is really sensitive to strong smells and fumes, so I don't think he'll want to be anywhere near me while I do it!
Honestly you want the dip dye longer at the front than the back. It's not that difficult to squish into your hair with gloves, especially as you're not (make a conscious effort to not) going for a straight line. Wear a black top or unloved towel round shoulders. At the very least go pigtails rather than pony.
Thanks, I have a towel that an au pair managed to get bleach on, so that can definitely go on my shoulders

My main thought is to try to avoid hair swishing around with dye on it
Use gloved hands.
Grab a couple of inches section of hair. (Start at the front).
Squish dye thoroughly into that section.
Do the bit on the opposite side for symmetry.
Put dyed bit Aim each side into a hair elastic as if doing small bunches. Last time round, don’t pull all the hair through, so as to catch it up in a loop and off your shoulders.
Move backwards and do next section on each side.
Think I'll go for it tomorrow or Friday - will wear old top, wrap some scrap fabric round my neck and go for keeping it loose and smoodging it in by hand!
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