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Damaged lens, perhaps ok now.


Well-Known Member
I fell over and my camera body and lens hood hit the ground fairly hard.

The camera seems to have survived but the lens a Sigma 28-70 f2.8 EX DF now is sort of grey or browned out in the viewfinder.

Are they characteristics of decentred elements? Or some kind of similar damage?

I will contact Sigma to ask about a repair and might send them photos in advance as I want some kind of quote in advance for a repair.

What do you think?
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Hi neonwilderness thanks for the link, if Sigma can't repair I might try them. Sigma has a UK HQ in Welwyn Garden City where I exchanged an earlier faulty 28-70 2.8 for the one that is now damaged.

So I know they can exchange but I don't yet know if they do repairs. Certainly currently they do a 24-70 rather than a 28-70 which mine is.

I also have to properly check my body out as D800s have a weak spot in their castings which can break on impacts and houses the focus module. So far I have used it with other lenses and it seems to be working ok but I think I have to confirm.
It was ever so stupid, I hopped over a building site plastic fence to get a better angle and after getting my shot I hopped over the fence again, but my trailing foot caught the fence and sent me sprawling onto the tarmac which I hit with my left thigh, right knee and both hands my right still grasping my camera. Luckily I had my lens hood on properly which protected the front element, but the edge of the camera body and the lens hood shows scraping from the tarmac.

I am going to have another play with it and see if I can establish the damage.
Hmm, I decided to calm down after my accident and to do extensive tests once I had calmed down. The first tests are now done and the good news is that the camera and its lens both seem to work now. I have covered all the variables I could think of and the gear worked as advertised.

I will try some brick wall shots in a bit but I am feeling a little more positive about things now.

It doesn't explain the few odd mis-exposed shots that I did have immediately after the fall though.
Going to do more tripod tests, got to see if I have inconsistencies that might indicate a broken chassis.
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