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Condiment predicament

I made myself a smoked Ayrshire bacon butty earlier and decided to fatten it up with a 1/4" of butter on the stotty and then grill some cheddar on top of it. As delicious as it was, the usual brown sauce didn't do it justice... what would you have instead, I am thinking of trying mayonnaise?

Tomato sauce wankers can fuck off in advance :mad:

Real mustard, though. None of that French's Vaguely Mustard-Flavoured pus stuff.
No way would mayo work IMO - Like others have said, you need a sharp sauce to cut through the grease. TBH, I can't think of owt better than brown sauce - Sometimes though, I like a mixture of red sauce and tabasco. Anyway, you're absolutely right with the butter - more is better AFAIC but I'd have left the cheese off. Cheese on a bacon butty sounds like a good idea but it never works out IMO - Makes it too heavy.
Worcester sauce is the obvious one. I use it a lot even when others would use brown sauce. It has so much more kick.

Lime Pickle is another of my favourite additions to cheese or cooked meat or even cod and chips.
Going for the intensely hot chilli pickle... it is f'ing hot too, I eat hot food often and this makes my eyes water.

#1 Blue cheese instead of yellow cheese.

#2 Mild green mustard. Not seedy. Dijon or burger style.

#3 Hot yellow mustard. Works fine in rarebit.

#4 Horseradish.

Approximate order of preference as above.
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