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Compulsory education to 18?

Do you think Wales should have compulsory education to 18?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
I believe Wales should have compulsory education to 18. It would create a stronger GDP per capita country as well as increase life expectancy. The English have an advantage economically and in terms of life expectancy as they have compulsory education to 18. The increase in earnings from having A levels is mostly knowledge and part evolution. The English will be able to outsmart the Welsh unless Wales has compulsory education to 18.
I believe Wales should have compulsory education to 18. It would create a stronger GDP per capita country as well as increase life expectancy. The English have an advantage economically and in terms of life expectancy as they have compulsory education to 18. The increase in earnings from having A levels is mostly knowledge and part evolution. The English will be able to outsmart the Welsh unless Wales has compulsory education to 18.
How much thought have you given this matter? - genuine question
I believe Wales should have compulsory education to 18. It would create a stronger GDP per capita country as well as increase life expectancy. The English have an advantage economically and in terms of life expectancy as they have compulsory education to 18. The increase in earnings from having A levels is mostly knowledge and part evolution. The English will be able to outsmart the Welsh unless Wales has compulsory education to 18.
You can't force people to stay in education until they're 18. That's a ridiculous idea.
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