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Cleansing a work laptop before returning it?


Well-Known Member
Any tips? It's a Macbook Pro. Is there a simple way to totally nuke all my files, bookmarks, browsing history etc before handing it back? I suspect my former employer might be quite nosy so if there's a way to absolutely permanently delete the lot that'd be great.
Any tips? It's a Macbook Pro. Is there a simple way to totally nuke all my files, bookmarks, browsing history etc before handing it back? I suspect my former employer might be quite nosy so if there's a way to absolutely permanently delete the lot that'd be great.

Disclaimer - i'm not a mac user so never tried this myself
Wet wipes are good for the screen, but to get the stubborn bits out from between the keys nothing beats cotton buds and hand sanitizer.
This may be of use depending upon how old the macbook is

Any tips? It's a Macbook Pro. Is there a simple way to totally nuke all my files, bookmarks, browsing history etc before handing it back? I suspect my former employer might be quite nosy so if there's a way to absolutely permanently delete the lot that'd be great.
What year? Is it Intel or Apple silicon?
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