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Bob Dylan demands a phone and smartwatch-free show

I think it’s fair enough. People seem to be able to forget all respect for others where phone are concerned. I was at a play recently and the actors had to change the pacing of their performance several times due to phone interruptions.

Smart watches I’m not sure about, as I don’t have any experience. But my wife has a Fitbit and it doesn’t impact my life.
Fair enough if he agrees to actually perform something that remotely sounds like one of his songs and promises to put his fucking harmonica in a yondra pouch.

And tbh, it's probably best if didn't do any singing as well and leave it some drunk blokes in the audience.
You are so cruel! Fair, but cruel.

Dylan was "folk", then rock then country. I think that, in the 1970s, he should have gone punk and called himself Gob Dylan. Gob Dylan could then justify his poor public performances by stating that, as a punk, he did not care.
What is a Yondr pouch?
Where will these pouches be stored?
Can people not simply switch off their phones?
I think it's going to be a bloody nightmare trying to get everyone's unlocked at once at the end.

No sea of phones seems obvious, little heavy handed tho.

Smartwatch seems daft, are they really a distraction that much? Certainly not to others. Great now I have no idea what time it is and cant prepare for the rush at the end to get my phone unlocked so I can leave.
Why do people need a pouch? Could they not simply keep their phone in a pocket? I suppose asking to people to put it in a pouch emphasises that they should not use their phones, and helps them resist temptation. Many people are odviously addicted to using their phones.
You'll always get some tosser who doesn't switch it off or put it in airplane mode. The putting phones in pouches things (that you then keep hold of) isn't unreasonable, it's the being forced to sit through a Bob Dylan concert that is the true issue here.
Seems fair enough to me - he's apparently been doing this for years, this is from 2017:

But the most weirdest of weird things was that Dylan issued a comprehensive cell phone ban and dispatched a surprisingly remorseless staff of IU sophomore volunteers to enforce it with the militant fire you usually only associate with students smuggling flasks of Mad Dog into football games (which actually doesn’t happen at IU, they’re just happy to have people there). These security people were ON IT. I tried to take a picture of the stage — just the stage, with nobody on it, with the house lights on — and two red-shirted valkyries descended on me like I’d just tried to jack Dylan’s trunk of bolo ties. In short, the ban worked — there was nary a telltale blue light in sight. It was impossibly odd to scan the crowd and see actual blackness, a bracingly strange moment of nostalgia, like being in a restaurant where people are smoking.

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What do we think folks?

Not sure about the smartwatch thing (I imagine some of his crowd might be dependent on the health/heart monitoring) but I've no problem not having to contend with a sea of phones held aloft.

Something has to be done about phones at gigs, but I'd prefer it was a bit less top-down and a bit more grassroots, ie. the people next to you in the crowd kicking you in the shins if you hold your phone up.

Saw Dylan 20 years ago and he was shite. Can only imagine how shite he is now.
Smartwatch seems daft, are they really a distraction that much? Certainly not to others. Great now I have no idea what time it is and cant prepare for the rush at the end to get my phone unlocked so I can leave.

What you need is a 'watch'. It's like a smart watch, but for people who aren't cunts.
Something has to be done about phones at gigs, but I'd prefer it was a bit less top-down and a bit more grassroots, ie. the people next to you in the crowd kicking you in the shins if you hold your phone up.

Saw Dylan 20 years ago and he was shite. Can only imagine how shite he is now.
I saw home thirty years ago and he was shite. I remember laughing out loud at just how bad it was.
Anyone using a phone at a concert is a massive twat
It's not just concerts. Phones are used by massive twats everywhere. And the twats that do this are always the loud twats who think the world wants to hear them. I don't want to be sat in a restaurant and be forced to listen to some cunt hold a 10 minute conversation at 90dB.
The sooner a blanket ban in public spaces is brought in, the better it will be for society as a whole.
I'm going to come across as an old fart here (accurately) but a lot of young people have no idea how to attend live music. I've accompanied my tween daughter to several gigs recently (Lizzo, Olivia Rodrigo, and Melanie Martinez) and a significant majority of that demographic upwards to 30s seem to think a gig involves you standing perfectly still, phone aloft, watching your video of the performance (or your video of the video screen of the performance). I encourage my daughter to take a couple of pictures then enjoy the music, but even if you don't partake, the experience is really marred when most of the rest of the crowd is doing that. When it's a majority I don't see how the crowd can change it without pressure coming from the artists and venues.

Of course most of the old timers going to see Bob Dylan won't do that so it's probably not needed, and only a cantankerous git like him would enforce no phones.
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What do we think folks?

Not sure about the smartwatch thing (I imagine some of his crowd might be dependent on the health/heart monitoring) but I've no problem not having to contend with a sea of phones held aloft.
Fully agree. If people are on their phones, even taking picks, they are not experiencing the concert and it's bloody distracting for others.
Is that at the RAH in which case, it hadn't reached me yet.
Of course most of the old timers going to see Bob Dylan won't do that so it's probably not needed, and only a cantankerous git like him would enforce no phones.
Barry manilow was all old timers and there would have been a riot had they tried to ban phones.
Loads of gigs use the yondr pouches, it’s not a major hassle. Haven’t seen the smart watch thing before but it makes sense, as folk use them (for non timekeeping purposes) all the time in cinemas, at least. And they’re bloody distracting. The numbers actually relying on them for health purposes will be tiny.

Watch the gig you’ve paid shitloads for, ffs.
I'm not down with it. Banning smartphones is a dick move. Banning smartwatches is just ridiculous. Who does he think he is?

OK sure SOME people are annoying with phones at gigs but he's not exactly Taylor Swift or Coldplay. I can't imagine the vast majority of his - let's be honest - mostly ageing audience even want to be holding up their phones for any length of time. They're not exactly the tik tok generation.

IMO there's nothing wrong with grabbing a few seconds of video or some photos of a gig when you've shelled out loads of money for it. Not to mention the inconvenience of not being able to communicate with anyone not sat next to you for the entirety of the show. What if you want to whatsapp from the bar. Or check your train is on time? It's bollocks. I bet the gig will be terrible too.
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