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... growing my hair. I've had a blade 3/4 all over for 20 plus years and I want a change. How long to get it about chin length, how often do I go to the barbers, what do I ask for when I go to the barbers, how often do you shampoo, how do I care for it when it is/whilst I'm waiting for it to get to a length I want.

Also, I've shampooed my hair every day for, well, forever. Is that going to cause issues with it growing up rather than down/out.
IMO the only people who want you to wash your hair every day are the people supplying your shampoo!
Get it cut every time it’s annoying/unmanageable and tell them you are looking to grow it so they cut the minimum off but also enough to help shape it towards your goal and get rid of split ends. They know what they’re doing. A salon might be better than a barbers for this.
As to growing it long, it's easy, just don't cut it.

During the first lockdown when my usually short hair grew out my hairstyle started resembling an 80s geography teacher. That's when I gave in and trusted my partner to cut my hair, once we'd managed to hunt down some clippers.

If you don't want to look a fool as your hair grows out it's worth getting someone who knows what they're doing to cut it. Tell them your growing your hair and ask them to shape it so it doesn't look too bad as it grows.
Get it cut every time it’s annoying/unmanageable and tell them you are looking to grow it so they cut the minimum off but also enough to help shape it towards your goal and get rid of split ends. They know what they’re doing. A salon might be better than a barbers for this.
I think most “barbers” are salons nowadays aren’t they.

I haven’t had it cut with scissors in years, so I’ve absolutely no idea how this is going to pan out.

During the first lockdown when my usually short hair grew out my hairstyle started resembling an 80s geography teacher. That's when I gave in and trusted my partner to cut my hair, once we'd managed to hunt down some clippers.

If you don't want to look a fool as your hair grows out it's worth getting someone who knows what they're doing to cut it. Tell them your growing your hair and ask them to shape it so it doesn't look too bad as it grows.

I used to have a pony tail, 20 odd years ago. But your post just reminded me, I got clippers last year after meeting a couple of mates in a garden back last spring and one commented. "I see we've all got the clown hair then."
:facepalm: :D
The other thing to remember with long hair is: get it trimmed kind of regularly.

I had long hair from my teens until I was around 30. I very rarely had it cut. Then one day I looked in the mirror and an aging hippy was looking back at me. That's when i had it cut off.

If I'd looked after it better, it would've probably looked better.
I only wash mine with shampoo about twice a week, just water otherwise. Had a period when I was young where I stopped using shampoo at all and after a bad month or two was the best it's ever been, just rinsed it with rosemary water every now and again like we did the dog. Swimming in chlorinated pools fucked that though. Hair's very long.
well aye, but its going to look scruffy at some point innit during the period its at now to getting it where i want it(if I decide to keep it).

I've got past the scruffy stage myself. It was big and unmanageable for a while but now it's long enough to tie back it's fine. When it's not tied back it's weighty enough to hang steady and that's fine. I've also stopped washing it regularly and that's fine too. Hair management is not this problem we thought it was. So that's one less problem in life.

Wouldn't have got there without the lockdown though.
the jewfro stage took a long time to get past, joys of being ginger

basically wore a slouch hat for about 24 months

Maybe worth volunteering to be a hair model for a nearby college. You'll get cheap haircuts and help the next gen of tonsorial experts
Anyway, here's an arctic fox shedding its winter coat. maybe go for this look?
Until I went to 12mm about 15 years ago, I used to get it cut twice a year.

At cutting time, it had more than a slight resemblance to a burst mattress.

I came home for lunch one day, and a small boy who was sat on the kerb asked me if I was Jim Leishman, who was managing Livingston at the time. :)

As managers go, well, he took Dunfermline from the fourth to first division, then did the same with Livingston.

The man:

When it's not tied back it's weighty enough to hang steady and that's fine.
That's ok if your hair is like that. Mine curls slightly and doesn't get longer than collar length as it just curls up. Longest mine has been has been to the bottom of my shoulder blades until you let go and it's back to collar length. :(
Until I went to 12mm about 15 years ago, I used to get it cut twice a year.

At cutting time, it had more than a slight resemblance to a burst mattress.

I came home for lunch one day, and a small boy who was sat on the kerb asked me if I was Jim Leishman, who was managing Livingston at the time. :)

As managers go, well, he took Dunfermline from the fourth to first division, then did the same with Livingston.

The man:


he looks like the einstein of soccer.
That's ok if your hair is like that. Mine curls slightly and doesn't get longer than collar length as it just curls up. Longest mine has been has been to the bottom of my shoulder blades until you let go and it's back to collar length. :(

No same here. It just had to get really long before that problem sorted itself.
No same here. It just had to get really long before that problem sorted itself.
Don't think mine would grow any longer. Don't think I had it cut all the time I was at secondary school. Might have been 10 years in total before I chopped it all off.
I’m a complete novice, so I’ve no clue how it’s goI got to look when it grows. I’m hoping for wavy🤷‍♂️

So at the moment suggestions are expect to look like a twat until I find “my style” and go to the hairdressers when it gets annoying, but explain my situation.
I'm growing my hair out. You're definitely going to be temped to cut it all off multiple times over the next year or so, so patience is the key. As soon as it's long enough, start pushing it behind your ears, tying it back etc, especially when you're at home as that's when the temptation to cut it will be strongest. Also get a couple of hats.

Also I'll echo the comments about not shampooing every day. If you must do something, rinse with water every day, then condition every other day etc. At a certain point you should try a sea salt spray. Basically just experiment. As awkward as it is, it can be just as fun.

I've recently started wearing a headband/sweatband and channeling inner 70s tennis player.
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