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Help Black Screen not waking up


Mmmmm Beer!
I have my monitor set to power off after 2 mins of inactivity, however recently it has started to stop waking back up. This doesn't happen every time and I can tell that the monitor is working fine as the screen goes from off to back. Also, when I restart the computer, any web pages I had loaded, load again. This suggest it isn't shutting down correctly.

Things I have tried.
Windows key + Ctrl+Shift and B to restart the drivers. Doesn't work.
Checked Windows for errors. None found.
Checked the ram for any errors and re-seated the Ram. None found.
Check the SSD for errors. None found.

When I'm playing games or using the computer for general things there isn't an issue. This all seemed to start after a windows update.

Running an i7-6700k@4.5
16 GBs of Ram

I have run out of ideas, and this is really frustrating.
set it to go off after e.g. 5 minutes? Any other monitor settings you can look at?
Not really. I'll give it a go though.

I've tried various power options too.

The strange thing is when I boot up the computer again and go to the event log, there are no entries, it only starts from when I powered on again.
Could you try rewinding back to before the update to see what happens?
What happens if you physically unplug the monitor (mains and/or connection) and reconnect?
I decided to switch the monitor to never sleep, and just turn it off manually, now it seems to be just randomly freezing. No blue screen. Just freezing. I think it could be the RAM, but when I have run diagnostic tools on it, it is showing no errors.
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