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Black Mesa ( Half life remake )


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Black Mesa is out, heard it was being made years ago, valve approved fan made , finally came out on 6/march , didnt even know it was ready. I am excit , will be getting as soon as my wages go in tomorrow . £14.99

Cannot wait to hang out with Freeman again , will keep me happy until i can afford VR for Alyx

Some good news on a petty depressing week
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Is there no controller support ? I cant get mine working even through big picture. I havent got a desk at home so mouse and keyboard is a bit of a pain.
The best thing about this game is that you always feel like there was another path or direction you could have taken, yet you have no option to go back and check, and at the same time you always seem to get to where you need to be.
This is ace! They have done a top job of remastering it.

You have to use this mod to invert the y axis of an Xbox controller on teh pc :

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