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Birmingham has nearly twice as many empty homes as homeless people


Capitalism and landlord greed in action!

More than 5,000 homes in Birmingham have been empty for more than six months it has been revealed as the city council adopts new powers to increase the supply of homes in the city.

A report on the problem reveals that 1,900 of those homes have been empty for more than three years. According to official figures, there are 2,800 people listed as homeless in the city – the vast majority of who are in temporary accommodation or staying with family or friends.

One day, when I become ruler, these fuckers will be heading to jail.

Brum has nearly twice as many empty homes as homeless people
Can't imagine that it is any different than all our our major cities. As you rightly say, pure greed and immoral.

Just looked, 5300 in Leeds, August 2016
Hull 2013 6000
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