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Bikes on trains...


Poorly understood phenomenon
Can anyone tell me what it's practically like to take a bike on a train nowadays?

Not as in long distance, book a seat and space for bike, but more ad-hoc one stop rock up and hope to get on.

I'm going to need to use the train between chesterfield and derby once a week on random days for the next few months. Morning and back at teatime. Two operators run trains, both their websites say I need to book in advance but the trains are quite long distance and my bit is one 20 minute stop.

Any ideas?

yeah, the "turn up with a bike" is 100% fine on some traincos and others (AVAnTi ARE FucKKING ShITWE) will demand you make a reservation by a complicated mechanism and then check it three times on the platform and then "forget" to have anyone open the door to the bike compartment.

Even with a brompton I try and avoid the second category.

who are the operators?
yeah, the "turn up with a bike" is 100% fine on some traincos and others (AVAnTi ARE FucKKING ShITWE) will demand you make a reservation by a complicated mechanism and then check it three times on the platform and then "forget" to have anyone open the door to the bike compartment.

Even with a brompton I try and avoid the second category.

who are the operators?
EMR and Cross Country.
If you want t o guarantee it, book the space, there's no cost to do so. If you wing it you'll probably get away with it, how bad will it be for you if you get refused boarding?
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