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Beware: my dog was just savaged

Last night I was walking my little dog at the corner of Loughborough Rd and Barrington Rd when a dangerous-looking dog not on a leash ran at us, grabbed my dog in his jaws with no warning or provocation, and brutally savaged him. My dog's in hospital with multiple injuries. The owner didn't apologise/help - she just told me to get out of the way in case he did it again, and walked off with her dog.

The dog looked like a dangerous breed, but it was all so traumatic I can't remember exactly. Shorthaired, brown and white, probably about 15-20kg. I think woman was blonde and slim. Dog owners, be careful out there.
That's horrible. I live in that road. I hope your dog recovers well.
And must have been very traumatic for you. I expect your in shock. Look after yourself. x
The owner didn't apologise/help - she just told me to get out of the way in case he did it again, and walked off with her dog.

Hate this. Horrible. This happened to a small dog down the road from us (when I was a kid) the big dalmation got away with savaging two small breeds and each time the owner blamed the other owners for taking them out for a walk! Another situation; colleague of mine was bitten by a dog whilst out jogging. Bloke threatened the jogger and went on his merry way without an apology.

Hope your dog is ok. Hope you are ok.
Did you tell the police? Oh someone's asked this already..pretty sure this animal is dangerous and out of control.
Thats dreadful...and very frightening.
I hope your little furry one will be ok?
Like a few others here, I'd take it to the police. The owner of the dog is responsible.
Thanks everyone. I submitted an online police report and they sent someone round to my house the next day to get more details about the route, so they can try to track the offender on CCTV. I await news on progress with that. But I was impressed they were prompt and intent on pursuing it. My wee dog is out of hospital after lots of surgery but can't walk any more. Still zonked on an array of painkillers, and terrified when outside. Hopefully he will improve over time. Heartbreaking.
Thanks everyone. I submitted an online police report and they sent someone round to my house the next day to get more details about the route, so they can try to track the offender on CCTV. I await news on progress with that. But I was impressed they were prompt and intent on pursuing it. My wee dog is out of hospital after lots of surgery but can't walk any more. Still zonked on an array of painkillers, and terrified when outside. Hopefully he will improve over time. Heartbreaking.

Really hope he makes a full recovery. I'd be devastated.
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