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Best way to challenge this PCN please


Break requested
Hello Urban, another request for help please.

So I was driving in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, and I took a side road to bypass a junction (so yeah, a rat run).

And now I've been issued with a PCN for a 52M traffic contravention. Having looked online, this seems to be a local scheme to stop people rat running through local side streets. Also, it's unclear if this restriction is 24 hr 7 days a week, or only during certain times, or what.

But I didn't see any signage, any bollards, any barriers, I saw nothing at all to indicate that I was crossing into restricted territory. It may be that such suganage was there but I genuinely didn't see any (I would have turned back).

I made the same rat run a week later, again without seeing any signage or other indication of restricted access. This is in a Sunday afternoon.

Assuming Im going to get a PCN for the subsequent contravention as well, what do you reckon is the best way to couch my representation to have this waived?

Do I threaten their first born and curse them unto the seventh generation, or should I throw myself on their mercy and plead for clemency?

unless the streetview is very recent, then probably not a lot of help

a lot of this stuff has been done very rapidly and not very well, and has been changed a few times so even a photograph taken today may not be an accurate picture of what was there at the time...

It would be very useful because we could look up the Traffic Regulation Order.

Going to check the signs would be a final step to check they are sufficient to enforce the Order.
Hello Urban, another request for help please.

So I was driving in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, and I took a side road to bypass a junction (so yeah, a rat run).

And now I've been issued with a PCN for a 52M traffic contravention. Having looked online, this seems to be a local scheme to stop people rat running through local side streets. Also, it's unclear if this restriction is 24 hr 7 days a week, or only during certain times, or what.

But I didn't see any signage, any bollards, any barriers, I saw nothing at all to indicate that I was crossing into restricted territory. It may be that such suganage was there but I genuinely didn't see any (I would have turned back).

I made the same rat run a week later, again without seeing any signage or other indication of restricted access. This is in a Sunday afternoon.

Assuming Im going to get a PCN for the subsequent contravention as well, what do you reckon is the best way to couch my representation to have this waived?

Do I threaten their first born and curse them unto the seventh generation, or should I throw myself on their mercy and plead for clemency?


On the back of the PCN should be instructions to appeal and a number of "grounds for appeal". What are they?

It's highly unlikely that there is no signage telling you not to do what you did. More likely is that you missed it. If that's the case you need to go back and find out why you missed it and then appeal on the basis that the signage was either shit, or non-existent.
On the back of the PCN should be instructions to appeal and a number of "grounds for appeal". What are they?

It's highly unlikely that there is no signage telling you not to do what you did. More likely is that you missed it. If that's the case you need to go back and find out why you missed it and then appeal on the basis that the signage was either shit, or non-existent.
Or take the appropriate tools with you and remove the signs.
Can you post a google streetview link?
unless the streetview is very recent, then probably not a lot of help

a lot of this stuff has been done very rapidly and not very well, and has been changed a few times so even a photograph taken today may not be an accurate picture of what was there at the time...

I've just had a look. The leaves were on the trees and it was a lovely sunny day. So not recent...

I think this regulation was introduced in September 2020
It would be very useful because we could look up the Traffic Regulation Order.

Going to check the signs would be a final step to check they are sufficient to enforce the Order.

It says

Hazlebury Rd, NWbnd of Cranberry Rd

No idea what NWbnd means.
Oh, it's North West boundary isn't it.

In SW6

Either way, it’s not good.

Signs aren’t there and the council are harvesting fines (although good for if it means I can appeal).

Signs are there and I didn’t notice.... which means I’m a fuckwit.
Local restrictions like this do seem to be appearing in a lot of London now. You have to be really careful because sat nav etc never pick them up.
Local restrictions like this do seem to be appearing in a lot of London now. You have to be really careful because sat nav etc never pick them up.
Most people in the world think 2020 has been the worst year ever. With the exception of London traffic NIMBYs, who couldn't be happier.
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