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BBC - Owen Jones

Owen Jones' friend Ellie Mae O'Hagan trumpets:

Just been in a session with Lisa Nandy - MP and Unite member. She's getting grilled by trade unionists rooted in local communities.
That's what you get when MPs are involved in unions: politicians who understand working people's lives and are willing to be held to account.

essentially- Long live the Labour Left!

Q: How do we get the Labour Left?
A: Join Labour, select the most Left-promising candidate and of course vote Labour.
Owen Jones' friend Ellie Mae O'Hagan trumpets:

Just been in a session with Lisa Nandy - MP and Unite member. She's getting grilled by trade unionists rooted in local communities.
That's what you get when MPs are involved in unions: politicians who understand working people's lives and are willing to be held to account.

essentially- Long live the Labour Left!

Q: How do we get the Labour Left?
A: Join Labour, select the most Left-promising candidate and of course vote Labour.
Lisa Nandy, who was once a PPC in my area, turned up on my doorstep once during the 2005 election. She asked me if I would vote labour. I told her that I only voted for socialists and with that she left. :D
Despite coming from a senior Spiked contributor this is spot on:


"So his starting point is pity, not solidarity, a lofty Dickens-like concern for the down-at-heel rather than any experience or understanding of working people’s resourcefulness. To Mr Jones, the miners of Durham are just more vulnerable people to be fawned over, congratulated for surviving.
Of course, Mr Jones isn’t the only young Leftist who looks upon working people as ordinary yet heroic, savage as well as noble. Who can forget when the radical anti-tax dodging collective UK Uncut invited its impeccably middle-class members to attend one of its demos “dressed as a worker” – a PC version of blacking up. Or when a Royal College of Art Student designed “Arthur Scargill chic” clothes, including a green donkey jacket and tatty bobble hats, for youths to dress up in. It seems that for the new generation of Leftists, born after the political defeat of working-class movements, workers are just odd creatures from a bygone era, whose hilarious styles we should copy and whose sad, little villages we should visit and check into on Facebook."

such shit, no suprise at all, because it's from a Spiked wanker , written for the Telegraph, that uses other Telegraph stories as sources....but you think this is "spot on" ????
doesn't matter who you lie down with so long as you can get a dig in on 'the Left' apparently

Is O'Neill really that far off point? frankly it mirrors the tirade of abuse directed towards Laurie Penny on this site, using broadly the same arguments.
such shit, no suprise at all, because it's from a Spiked wanker , written for the Telegraph, that uses other Telegraph stories as sources....but you think this is "spot on" ????

Brendan O' Neill and his gobshite Spiked mates are Katie Hopkins with longer paragraphs. If he cannot get it that trade unionism is about defending socially mobile aspirations like decent wages, job security and a better quality of life, that he has taken for granted all his life, he should take a long hard rest.
If he cannot get it that trade unionism is about defending socially mobile aspirations like decent wages, job security and a better quality of life, that he has taken for granted all his life, he should take a long hard rest.

Interesting point, shame its completely irrelevant.
Interesting point, shame its completely irrelevant.

In what sense is it irrelevant to a ridiculous article that argues that organised labour is hostile to achieving better aspirations for its members?

How is it different, people attacking the writer for the lack of "working class credentials" for lack of a better term. That the writer is engaging in essentially poverty tourism to advance their media career.

And in what sense is involvement in trade unionism poverty tourism when the lowest paid workers in the country are non-unionised?

Making speeches at the Adam Smith Institute about 'freeing up labour markets' is poverty tourism.
In what sense is it irrelevant to a ridiculous article that argues that organised labour is hostile to achieving better aspirations for its members?


Except that's not what its arguing, its arguing that this new modern left, these poverty tourists are all middle class people are the ones actually against better aspirations. Its arguing that they dont really care they just see it as some warped anthropological curiosity.

That they don't give a shit, the precise view that is regurgitated ad nauseum on urban.
silly fucker should have just quietly rewritten it and hoped no-one noticed before google cache expired, instead he's just removed any element of doubt that this was accidental

just for the record I left a comment on there accusing him of plagiarism at the time, which went undeleted (gone now though) and ignored. so it was only when it was posted on this thread, along with other examples, that he added a credit
silly fucker should have just quietly rewritten it and hoped no-one noticed before google cache expired, instead he's just removed any element of doubt that this was accidental

just for the record I left a comment on there accusing him of plagiarism at the time, which went undeleted (gone now though) and ignored. so it was only when it was posted on this thread, along with other examples, that he added a credit

I've posted comments on blog posts by him demonstrating his plagiarism that have been 'disappeared' too. Honestly, decent activist writers such as yourself deserve far more exposure than frauds like Bloodworth!
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