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BBC - Owen Jones

Landed another gig via the Working Class Movement Library - doing its main annual lecture the Frow Lecture on 4 May.
Party policeman Owen going round pleading with people to keep the music down and stop spilling booze on the carpet. And it's not even his house.

Owen Jones@OwenJones84

@AAEmmerson @AaronLSpence I'm not trying to get hits, for Christ's sake! I'm trying to calm people down

Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@simonjamesraine @GuidoFawkes Nope, I posted to warn people not to celebrate. Pretty straightforward.

I still have no fucking clue how this twitter thing works. I mean, who in that mess is saying what to who about who? I just don't get it. :confused:
I still have no fucking clue how this twitter thing works. I mean, who in that mess is saying what to who about who? I just don't get it. :confused:
Yeh it doesn't c+p very well so it looks like mess. Simplified.

Party policeman Owen going round pleading with people to keep the music down and stop spilling booze on the carpet. And it's not even his house.

OwenJones said:
I'm not trying to get hits, for Christ's sake! I'm trying to calm people down
OwenJones said:
Nope, I posted to warn people not to celebrate. Pretty straightforward.
That latest piece in the indy is well patronising isn't it. It's "a lesson" if you please.
owen said:
It’s comforting for both sides to build hate figures and saints. All of the bitterness and rage of the social devastation unleashed in the 1980s can be concentrated in one easily hatable individual. For Tories – who, after all, have not won a general election for over twenty years – there is the obvious appeal of a new crusading Thatcher-figure to lead them to victory again. But history is not made by a few individuals at the top, however formidable they may be. And for those who want to change the world – in whatever direction – it’s a lesson that has to be learned.
A lot of love for this guy these days amongst lefty friends of mine, he's a real hero by the look of it, having his praises sung all over the shop. Looks like he's going to break through to the big time and be a real figure of influence on the left...
A lot of love for this guy these days amongst lefty friends of mine, he's a real hero by the look of it, having his praises sung all over the shop. Looks like he's going to break through to the big time and be a real figure of influence on the left...

Won't be long. A safe seat for Labour in a die hard Labour community like South Shields. He's got the right c.v. and will fit the Labour mould of Oxbridge careerist - Purnell, Milliband et al,.

I wonder if any Labour stronghold will rise up against being exploited by Party H.Q.? Oh the irony!

'Hey lad, them bastards down in that there South have dumped more shit on us yet again!'

'Yer right there dad.'

A lot of love for this guy these days amongst lefty friends of mine, he's a real hero by the look of it, having his praises sung all over the shop. Looks like he's going to break through to the big time and be a real figure of influence on the left...

What does breaking through 'to the big time' entail?
If he's smart, he'll stay the fuck away from Parliament until 2020. Let the major shite blow over, build a credible voice and image and then sail in like Foot and really bollocks stuff up :D
He'll be 70 years old by the time he is leader then if he sails in like foot (2020 he'll be 35, +35 years from election as MP to leader as foot had).
And articul8 will still be shining his shoes.

He needs to get started ASAP.

Won't be long. A safe seat for Labour in a die hard Labour community like South Shields. He's got the right c.v. and will fit the Labour mould of Oxbridge careerist - Purnell, Milliband et al,.

FFS!, he is nothing like Purnell, maybe one day but certainly not now...
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