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BBC - Owen Jones

No! Harry Cole formerly Tory Bear, then ConHome, then politics head of the Guido Fawkes blog is in the middle here with libertarians to either side of him - Paul Staines Guido of the Guido Fawkes blog and polymath Toby Young.


I didn't know that the meaning of "polymath" had changed to mean "fucking useless at everything". :D
You know that if it wasn't Owen Jones making these arguments against various professional pisswizards, the telly would have got Diane Abbott in to battle against them. Be grateful for what you get.
I noticed during some of the Owen Jones bits on various shows that we seem to have adopted the US phrase "on welfare" to refer to anyone receiving benefits. Interesting use of language; it's a bit like being "on drugs" - you've made bad decisions and ultimately only have yourself to blame.
I noticed during some of the Owen Jones bits on various shows that we seem to have adopted the US phrase "on welfare" to refer to anyone receiving benefits. Interesting use of language; it's a bit like being "on drugs" - you've made bad decisions and ultimately only have yourself to blame.
Tbf, we've used (for example) on the rock for way before that.
Tbf, we've used (for example) on the rock for way before that.
on the rock'n roll, on the dole
Yeah, I guess - although to me the extra word makes a difference. Being "on the <something>" implies active action - on the scrounge, on the take, etc. Being "on drugs" or "on welfare" is a passive state. Anyway, not important, just an observation about yet another Americanism that has arrived without anyone seeming to notice.
It's because the term 'welfare' is massively stigmatised in the states where this kind of marginalisation and name-calling is deeply entrenched. It comes from the belief that you can encourage the poor to go out and work, even for shit money, by placing them in these metaphorical stocks if they 'take money from the state'. The Tories dream of a similar culture existing here.
Yeah, I guess - although to me the extra word makes a difference. Being "on the <something>" implies active action - on the scrounge, on the take, etc. Being "on drugs" or "on welfare" is a passive state. Anyway, not important, just an observation about yet another Americanism that has arrived without anyone seeming to notice.
It's a bit unfortunate that you just used my "on the rock" to say it was active action, but as in "on the scrounge" and "on the take" :eek: Was that deliberate?
Yeah, I guess - although to me the extra word makes a difference. Being "on the <something>" implies active action - on the scrounge, on the take, etc. Being "on drugs" or "on welfare" is a passive state. Anyway, not important, just an observation about yet another Americanism that has arrived without anyone seeming to notice.

'Yeah I guess ' smacks of that creeping Americanism that DeGaulle was so right to oppose
It's a bit unfortunate that you just used my "on the rock" to say it was active action, but as in "on the scrounge" and "on the take" :eek: Was that deliberate?
No, they were just the only examples starting with "on the" that I could think of off the top of my head - no relationship implied. Could have also said "on the up" or "on the town" I suppose.
I was going to watch that video, but seeing him sat there wearing a blue jumper with buttons on the shoulders & a white shirt underneath, brought back the urge to throw stones again. So I didn't bother.
I noticed during some of the Owen Jones bits on various shows that we seem to have adopted the US phrase "on welfare" to refer to anyone receiving benefits. Interesting use of language; it's a bit like being "on drugs" - you've made bad decisions and ultimately only have yourself to blame.
The word "liberal" is used in the States to describe anyone who is Left and now it's being used here. I blame the Tories for this.
The word "liberal" is used in the States to describe anyone who is Left and now it's being used here. I blame the Tories for this.


My experience is that anyone not subscribing whole-heartedly to the neo-con/neo-liberal/industrial/military plutocracy is denigrated as a 'liberal'.

My experience is that anyone not subscribing whole-heartedly to the neo-con/neo-liberal/industrial/military plutocracy is denigrated as a 'liberal'.
Seriously, people of a Left persuasion are referred to as "liberal" in the US. I've seen revolutionary socialism lumped in with "liberalism" on boards like The Bully Pulpit. The morons on Torygraph blogs do it all the time.
Seriously, people of a Left persuasion are referred to as "liberal" in the US. I've seen revolutionary socialism lumped in with "liberalism" on boards like The Bully Pulpit. The morons on Torygraph blogs do it all the time.

Oh yeah, but my point was...not just 'left' as we might understand that.
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