Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Hour and a half later the update finally finishes its download...
I was going to get it yesterday but having read the problems the PS3 players are going through trying to play the news maps I'll give it a while.
I think the Xbox maps come out two weeks after the PS3.
What problems are they having?
Are you on about the exclusive US/Canada only material?racist dog tags
Premium has proper split the community, well all the fuckwits in the BF3 forums. There's servers banning premium players, fucking nuts. Just when you think the gaming scene couldn't get any worse with a load of kids as the majority, they go and behave like the kids in Lord of the Flies
I couldn't give a shit if someone has Premium or not but it seems to matter an awful lot to some people. Odd.
£30 (I had a 25% discount code) and for a pile of DLCs, a knife that looks like it efll out of some carpet fitters dungarees, couple new camos, racist dog tags, and some camo for crappy guns!
Oh and it looks like double XP at least once a month.
Kinda baffled why they'd put queue priority in, seems a bit shitty if you've been waiting for five minutes and some horrible bugger like Kid E gives you the fingers and jumps in first
Nah, am happy with it but the queue thing does seem ill thought out. A trolol by DICE.
Well they certainly know how to milk an audience.
Heh, you know the other downside about rented servers (while we're on the topic of B3 changes) is I never seem to find a game with less than 600 tickets! It's fucking annoying, a good gaming night could see 7-9 games now I'm lucky it it's 2.
Heh, you know the other downside about rented servers (while we're on the topic of B3 changes) is I never seem to find a game with less than 600 tickets! It's fucking annoying, a good gaming night could see 7-9 games now I'm lucky it it's 2.
Haven't seen that many premium players yet nor had any issue getting on to any server due to bannings...
See there are some new game modes and an expansion pack to buy then
There should be an icon displaying if a server has custom rules. So, I think, if any thing has been changed from the default settings then it will show.
Anyone getting Close Quarters tomorrow?
I bought Premium a couple of days back so I'll report back tomorrow at some point.
It's out tomorrow?!?
Just played on our server, was packed out! Not sure if it was luck but found the random players a lot more team player orientated...