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AVG warning on hotmail/outlook


Famous author , company CEO
Today every time i open my hotmail account it sets off the AVG threat secured message even though i haven't opened any spam . Is anyone else getting this and how do you stop it?
From this link it sounds like it is blocking your browser from redirecting to a dodgy site

Does avg say what site url it is blocking like examples in link above do?

I'd run a full virus scan if you haven't already done that.
Also i don't use avg or hotmail but does hotmail have a "preview pane" that shows the top email without you clicking on it? If so there might be an option to turn the preview off.
From this link it sounds like it is blocking your browser from redirecting to a dodgy site

Does avg say what site url it is blocking like examples in link above do?

I'd run a full virus scan if you haven't already done that.
thanks , well the problem disappeared , i did do a full virus scan and logged out
I have a vague recollection of having AVG many years ago (possibly on windows XP or may be even earlier) and had problems with it and some other security program taking quite a big dislike to each other, so I had to get rid of them.

You can get 'false positives' with anything, and with some of the free ones, some of the 'warning' messages are more about trying to sell you the paid-for version rather than a real warning...
The best free antivirus product I used was by avast,Don't use anymore ,because I have a chromebook.
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