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Are these games just a bit shit or was London simply awesome?


The Red Baron
Someone's done a business in the diving pool

Everyone keeps on getting booed in half empty stadiums

No one seems to know what's going on on the TV coverage half the time

All the great Olympians of the era are pretty much over the hill

No one in Brazil really seems that bothered

It's all a bit shit, isn't it?
Can't really judge until its all over, but I reckon this is more on a par with Athens. The half empty stadia, unfinished athlete village, and green pool hasn't looked good.

At least there hasn't been the media censorship like in Beijing, or a bomb like in Atlanta. There has been a nip slip though.
Didn't really watch any of 2012, but were there not whinges about 1/2 empty venues for that too?

And Adam Peaty isn't over the hill, nor that wonder-woman US gymnast last night. Nor many of the Chinese gymnasts and divers.

Diamond's just a miserable sod.

The diving pool being green murk is a valid moan though...
I've not heard one single event. TBF I only listened to the last one a bit cos London. Otherwise, meh.
Firstly, yes the London games (and I'll grudgingly acknowledge Sydney too) were the best ever, very much awesome. The only significant cock up came courtesy of Crazy Clown Security Ltd (who knew?).

On time, on budget, no transport catastrophes and a definate uplift in the national mood. Even the weather stayed nice.

I seem to remember Athens going well, at least up until the men's marathon. Beijing I didn't see much of due to the time difference (I was a night owl and on holiday for Sydney, not so for Beijing).

We haven't got to the real guts of the games yet, and won't until Saturday, so maybe the locals are staying away until then. Most people want to see people running about throwing javelins and things, not endless swimming and rowing qualification rounds.
I think the bbc journos have stopped trying to pretend that it's anything else but a bit of a mess going on last night's coverage.

They had a telling moment, which was a bit unnecessary, when they highlighted an official ice cream seller with virtually no customers outside the Olympic Park attempting to hawk his wares for around 5 quid a go.
Olympics are Olympics more or less. There are just too many events to make useful comparisons between editions from a sporting point of view. For all most people here know the first few days of Rio may have provided the best or the worst handball or sailing competitions in history. I've mostly been watching the boxing, which so far is better than it was in London simply because so far the scoring has been less dodgy and the road cycling, which was miles better than in London. If you were mostly interested in diving or something, I'm sure it seems like a disaster.
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