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Apple remove all US civil war games from the app store

this will be because america is yet again having the debate 'Is the confederate flag a symbol of racist oppression that we should be ashamed to fly' and maybe, just maybe, going to get to the answer 'yes' this time round.

After the shooting at church recently, its become quite an issue once more.

its daft pulling the games because they are of historic context but then Wolfenstein is banned in germany (or was) because of all the nazi regalia on display. Despite the fact that the game consist of shooting nazis then battling hitler in a robot suit
I was reading a article of click bait about the Dukes of Hazzard saying the were removing the flag from the General Lee, and I thought "wait you're going to go through every old episode of the Dukes and digitally remove it from the car? Nope. they're removing it from all future Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia. Who buys Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia in 2015?
What I find so weird about the whole thing is why now? The massacre in Charleston was despicable but surely anyone flying that flag was previously aware that far worse things have been done by people acting on behalf of the slavers' state and its legacy?

I welcome the retirement obviously, but why your racist principles go so easily?
all flags are fucking stupid ideas that keep us anchored to the dead weight of borders and fucking stupid ideologies that will keep us getting dragged back into rehashes of completely futile wars over something that belongs to no-one or belongs to all. fuck flags and their fucking shite.
What I find so weird about the whole thing is why now? The massacre in Charleston was despicable but surely anyone flying that flag was previously aware that far worse things have been done by people acting on behalf of the slavers' state and its legacy?

I welcome the retirement obviously, but why your racist principles go so easily?

This is total speculation so might be bollocks, but maybe it's that terrorism is a thing that Americans are far more aware of and see as a domestic threat in a way they haven't been in the past, so something like this is a bit harder to shrug off?
One side flew the flag in the civil war right? So removing it from games that that side play a central role in? Fucking ridiculous. What next, banning talk of slavery in history books about slavery?
One side flew the flag in the civil war right? So removing it from games that that side play a central role in? Fucking ridiculous. What next, banning talk of slavery in history books about slavery?
It was only the flag of one particular regiment, IIRC, not the entire South. That's been retconned into history later.

Edit: It was the Army of Northern Virginia's flag initially, and then was partly adopted by the Confederacy at a later date.
It was only the flag of one particular regiment, IIRC, not the entire South. That's been retconned into history later.
Don't know what retconned means. It was the final 'national flag'of the confederate states. So its use to represent one side of the battles seems accurate. In the same way that GB might be represented by a Union flag despite regiments or battalions etc having their own flag.
all flags are fucking stupid ideas that keep us anchored to the dead weight of borders and fucking stupid ideologies that will keep us getting dragged back into rehashes of completely futile wars over something that belongs to no-one or belongs to all. fuck flags and their fucking shite.
all flags are fucking stupid ideas that keep us anchored to the dead weight of borders and fucking stupid ideologies that will keep us getting dragged back into rehashes of completely futile wars over something that belongs to no-one or belongs to all. fuck flags and their fucking shite.
Flags are great.
got to love that historical accuracy! :p and... does Godwin's Law apply here? :D

I don't know if you've played it but if you basicaly shoot hitler out of his robot suit, you still have to fight him. Like two boss levels in one really. (so annoying when a game does this!)

as for historical accuracy, I give you a random factoid as I've been re-reading a history book as a toilet tome, two months before Hitler shot himself in his bunker, Speer who had seen the writing on the wall and was despairing at the orders to basically trash anything the Allied bombers or russians had not fucked up first. That was where the line was crossed for speer, he plotted to gas hitlers bunker, only to be thwarted by the fact that it had been proofed against such a scheme.
I don't know if you've played it but if you basicaly shoot hitler out of his robot suit, you still have to fight him. Like two boss levels in one really. (so annoying when a game does this!)

as for historical accuracy, I give you a random factoid as I've been re-reading a history book as a toilet tome, two months before Hitler shot himself in his bunker, Speer who had seen the writing on the wall and was despairing at the orders to basically trash anything the Allied bombers or russians had not fucked up first. That was where the line was crossed for speer, he plotted to gas hitlers bunker, only to be thwarted by the fact that it had been proofed against such a scheme.
I've read a biography of Speer - seemed to be the most decent Nazi of all, though that wasn't hard.
all flags are fucking stupid ideas that keep us anchored to the dead weight of borders and fucking stupid ideologies that will keep us getting dragged back into rehashes of completely futile wars over something that belongs to no-one or belongs to all. fuck flags and their fucking shite.

Go on, tell us what you really feel
Don't know what retconned means. It was the final 'national flag'of the confederate states. So its use to represent one side of the battles seems accurate. In the same way that GB might be represented by a Union flag despite regiments or battalions etc having their own flag.

Retconned comes from tv, it's a portmanteau of Retroactive Continuity. It's where you add something into a story which wasn't there before and sort of act or claim as it if was there all along, usually because you've written yourself into a corner that you can only get out of by breaking some rule or something. That's a terrible explanation that needs an example I can't think of at the moment. DotCommunist will probably have a few examples.
Retconned comes from tv, it's a portmanteau of Retroactive Continuity. It's where you add something into a story which wasn't there before and sort of act or claim as it if was there all along, usually because you've written yourself into a corner that you can only get out of by breaking some rule or something. That's a terrible explanation that needs an example I can't think of at the moment. DotCommunist will probably have a few examples.
tbf you'd be better off asking for examples where it doesn't cheapen evrything that came before.
Retconned comes from tv, it's a portmanteau of Retroactive Continuity. It's where you add something into a story which wasn't there before and sort of act or claim as it if was there all along, usually because you've written yourself into a corner that you can only get out of by breaking some rule or something. That's a terrible explanation that needs an example I can't think of at the moment. DotCommunist will probably have a few examples.
Ta. Doesn't fit here.
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