I want to make a cake like this....<snip>But I keep finding recipes using a packet (spit) mix
NB: I haven't made on like that, but this is how I'd attempt it.
First get your food colouring - red, yellow and blue (green is optional because it can be mixed), a large mixing bowl, your cake tin (or 2 sandwich tins), your favourite plain cake recipe (victoria sponge?), and 7 small bowls.
Preheat the oven and prepare your cake tin as your prefer (lined/greased/greased and floured).
Mix your plain cake recipe and divide it as evenly as you can between the 7 bowls. The mixture in these will be coloured and then added to the tin(s), beginning with the red and working inwards (I think) with as little swirling as possible:
Colouring more or less as follows (increase as required):
2 parts red
1 red, 1 yellow
2 yellow
1 yellow, 1 blue
2 blue
3 blue (indigo should be darker than blue)
1 red 1 blue
Bake as usual. If it comes out wrong, turn it into a trifle or cover with custard.