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Anyone know who was out preaching yesterday?


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When I passed KFC in Brixton, on Saturday afternoon, there was a group of black men in black puffer jackets. They seemed to have a menorah on the back, with some kind of script above it.

I didn't hear much, but enough to make my eyes roll. Apparently Jesus was black and white people depicted Jesus as white because that's what they liked. Now, I'll agree with that last part - as Xeno said, if horses had gods, they'd look llike horses. But the bit about Jesus being black sounded pretty wrong. I'm pretty certain Jesus was Jewish - ie, semitic.

There was more. Apparently black people ruled the dark ages. Interestingly he named the Phoenicians (Caananites and a semitic people) as part of this black empire.

Now, the Phoenicians did trade with northern Africa, but I'm pretty certain they weren't 'black' as he meant it, although this all seemed to be tied up in to some conspiracy theory about how 'they' (the wizards?) wouldn't teach black people about their true heritage or somesuch.

Do these people turn up much? It reminds me of the...Black Panthers, I think it is, who have some myth about white people being created by the devil. It sounded wacky as anything. It would certainly be interesting to go hear more - not in a 'I wish to subscribe to your newsletter' kind of way, more 'what else will they say next?' way.
I seem to remember them being frequently outside the tube with a stall with leaflets with their bumph on it
IMHO it's just more of the same racially divisive propaganda the NOI love to trot out. When I was passing yesterday (about 4pm), the main speaker was ranting about how the government cuts would lead to less funding for the police force, and less funding to keep electricity going, and the next thing we know there'll be blackouts (his word, not mine) just like in the 1970s, with serial killers taking advantage of the blackouts just like in the 1970s (not as far as I remember) and then there'll be race riots and massmurder of black people, just like (allegedly) in the 1970s, and all the white people walking past instead of stopping to listen are ignoring him because all of them hate all black people and want them to be murdered....:rolleyes:
Apparently Jesus was black and white people depicted Jesus as white because that's what they liked. Now, I'll agree with that last part - as Xeno said, if horses had gods, they'd look llike horses. But the bit about Jesus being black sounded pretty wrong. I'm pretty certain Jesus was Jewish - ie, semitic.

There was more. Apparently black people ruled the dark ages. Interestingly he named the Phoenicians (Caananites and a semitic people) as part of this black empire.

Now, the Phoenicians did trade with northern Africa, but I'm pretty certain they weren't 'black' as he meant it, although this all seemed to be tied up in to some conspiracy theory about how 'they' (the wizards?) wouldn't teach black people about their true heritage or somesuch.

Do these people turn up much? It reminds me of the...Black Panthers, I think it is, who have some myth about white people being created by the devil. .

Apparently it was a special type of birth control that Black people are able to use to create other races:

"The Blackman is the original man. From him came all brown, yellow, red, and white people. By using a special method of birth control law, the Blackman was able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a Black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of people who would be diametrically opposed to the Original People. A Race of people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of 6,000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people, through a system of tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity of the darker people, put one brother against another, and then act as mediators and rule both sides." -Elijah Muhammad
IMHO it's just more of the same racially divisive propaganda the NOI love to trot out. When I was passing yesterday (about 4pm), the main speaker was ranting about how the government cuts would lead to less funding for the police force, and less funding to keep electricity going, and the next thing we know there'll be blackouts (his word, not mine) just like in the 1970s, with serial killers taking advantage of the blackouts just like in the 1970s (not as far as I remember) and then there'll be race riots and massmurder of black people, just like (allegedly) in the 1970s, and all the white people walking past instead of stopping to listen are ignoring him because all of them hate all black people and want them to be murdered....:rolleyes:

I bet if it was white people saying that they'd be arrested for inciting racial hatred
Sometimes find myself listening to some of the phone-ins/talk stuff on Genesis Radio (91.6) around these subjects. It can be quite engrossing - certainly challenging and uncomfortable listening at times.
i doubt they were nation of islam if they had puffa jackets with menorahs on them - sounds like the Black Hebrew Israelites or the Nation of Yahweh. They used to hang about a lot wearing funky braided robes but I thought they got asbo'd
I love these religious nuts that preach God's love, harmony and togetherness but then make a point of not handing you one of their leaflets because you're the wrong colour/'type'.
I love these religious nuts that preach God's love, harmony and togetherness but then make a point of not handing you one of their leaflets because you're the wrong colour/'type'.


and they sometimes tease you by waving them in front of your face, only to pull away at the last second when they realise you're probably not going to be interested in their shit
they're just normal muslims i think - the incense sellers?

hm, not sure now, getting them mixed up. I know there were some that sold incense but I also remember some who had a table set up outside the tube with leaflets. Maybe they did both?
I love these religious nuts that preach God's love, harmony and togetherness but then make a point of not handing you one of their leaflets because you're the wrong colour/'type'.

A lot of them are more hell and damnation types! The lot by the railway station were preaching about all the earth quakes being the wrath of god yesterday. Really making a racket. I thought I could go out with a big sign saying 'god is love' or alternatively 'the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, understanding, gentleness, self control. (none of these spiritual blessing were much in evidence) Their christian view was a bit old testament.
IMHO it's just more of the same racially divisive propaganda the NOI love to trot out. When I was passing yesterday (about 4pm), the main speaker was ranting about how the government cuts would lead to less funding for the police force, and less funding to keep electricity going, and the next thing we know there'll be blackouts (his word, not mine) just like in the 1970s, with serial killers taking advantage of the blackouts just like in the 1970s (not as far as I remember) and then there'll be race riots and massmurder of black people, just like (allegedly) in the 1970s, and all the white people walking past instead of stopping to listen are ignoring him because all of them hate all black people and want them to be murdered....:rolleyes:

Wow, that's...special...
Don't know if it was the same lot but someone had left a couple of leaflets in the Albert yesterday advertising an evangelical church with claims that the power of prayer had cured their colon cancer :eek::rolleyes::mad:
A lot of them are more hell and damnation types! The lot by the railway station were preaching about all the earth quakes being the wrath of god yesterday. Really making a racket. I thought I could go out with a big sign saying 'god is love' or alternatively 'the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, understanding, gentleness, self control. (none of these spiritual blessing were much in evidence) Their christian view was a bit old testament.

That's brave of them. Wonder if they'd be so brave if they were dumped in the middle of Japan right now
i doubt they were nation of islam if they had puffa jackets with menorahs on them - sounds like the Black Hebrew Israelites or the Nation of Yahweh. They used to hang about a lot wearing funky braided robes but I thought they got asbo'd

Yeah, the iconography seems wrong to me as well. What is it with this stuff around here? I mean, one shop opposite the Brixton rec sells Jack Chick tracks, vile comic strips that encourage hate against anyone who isn't 'saved'.
A lot of them are more hell and damnation types! The lot by the railway station were preaching about all the earth quakes being the wrath of god yesterday. Really making a racket. I thought I could go out with a big sign saying 'god is love' or alternatively 'the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, understanding, gentleness, self control. (none of these spiritual blessing were much in evidence) Their christian view was a bit old testament.

I've called one or two of them on that in my time! Me, I was preaching today, but safely inside Railton Road church!
The KFC lot had a go at a black woman who was with a white guy. "Every time a black woman has a white boyfriend it's a slap in the face for us". Does that count as incitement to racial hatred? It's a shame there were no police there. Perhaps they'd scuttled off so they wouldn't have the burden of enforcing the law.

Some of the posters displayed on the pavement had an anti-Arab theme. The Arabs were the first to enslave blacks, they're using oil to oppress the black man. There was also one about the Jews having stolen the mantle of being God's chosen people. (Who were black, of course.)

One of the speakers proclaimed that "if you want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book". I'd always thought that was just a joke told by white racists, but I suppose the speaker was trying to make a legitimate complaint about something. I googled it and didn't find much. Maybe it's just part of the tendency to wallow in the effects of slavery.
The KFC lot had a go at a black woman who was with a white guy. "Every time a black woman has a white boyfriend it's a slap in the face for us". Does that count as incitement to racial hatred? It's a shame there were no police there. Perhaps they'd scuttled off so they wouldn't have the burden of enforcing the law.

i doubt they were nation of islam if they had puffa jackets with menorahs on them - sounds like the Black Hebrew Israelites or the Nation of Yahweh. They used to hang about a lot wearing funky braided robes but I thought they got asbo'd

I was thinking about those guys only yesterday, reminded by the thread about Brixton evangelist Philip Howard. They were a weird bunch; iirc, they had a little wooden platform they'd stand on and they wore leather tunics and brass bracelets and looked like extras from Xena (only Xena hadn't happened yet).
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