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Anniversary of the Storming of the Stasi


Active Member
ok friday is the anniversary of the date when the germans #demandedtoseetheirfiles - where should we hold this, what is the uk equivilent of the stasi, ill be atending the RCJ but after that were would it be? the scotland yard? or somewhere else
there isnt an equivilent to the GDR secret police in the uk? well whats the closest state security organ then, because we shall probably do a peaceful vigil outside that
ok friday is the anniversary of the date when the germans #demandedtoseetheirfiles - where should we hold this, what is the uk equivilent of the stasi, ill be atending the RCJ but after that were would it be? the scotland yard? or somewhere else
let's hold this inaugural urination outside your house.
gonna get a.l my street homeless comrades to squat the portico of mi5 - yeah getting BASELine of the greenwich borough spooky spooks, following me everywhere but i did bring this upon myself,
I've been to the former Stasi HQ in Berlin, it was very disconcerting, posh wooden pannelled rooms, the cells, the ancient looking(now) but very effective surveillance equipment, looking at the maps, but mostly looking at the single telephone where the chief of the organisation barked his commands from. There is a very good book about them 'Stasiland'
Just started watching Deutschland 83 on Channel 4, a nice easy watching drama on the Stasi and related era.
read stasiland fgam, blind people, yes they disguise themselves as blind n tramps, im banned from there, got nicked last night - deutschland 83 , yeah did reference that in this pissing video , but got nicked cuz someone wrote kingfisher on the steps, was mad, mad as fuck in court 12th feb , this is osmething i wrote that might not be safe for work etc, etgc ,, etc, , i was just there watching chris morris programs, got bigged up from various police as a valid protest but yeh yeh in the cells 12 hours reading john le carre - eh , got audoio of an armed cop saying he wanted to shoot me -
ok so the first police i dealt with was a fna full of 8 coppers with guns in the red vans the diplopmatic protection guns, the ones
in the seat that w\s designated to me didnt have much about him, didnt know notjing about nine eleven or seven seven or diana, the one driving
geneva convention, no its the vienna convention the bilateral thing to protect embassys, i qurestionec, the fct they didnt have room to nick me as all
their searts iun theirl little red people carrier were taken up with men with guns, so many people with guns so few people tp shoot - the better things to do argument
yes that resonates with me, if you have betyter people or any people to shoot then im glad you hear, shooting the hsit with me., but you wont shoot me will you? and how does
a van full of heavily armed, guns dangled from chest take someone down in a non lethal way, a tackle just puts the gun between rthem and them, after that i departed for a little while down
horseferry road and was approached by a few cops , a car and a van ( of course i immediaterly approached the car and made ther winding down window gestuee- thery wound it down, but then tried to assert BIT OF DOMEINECE STERP BACK WE ARE GETING
a northe eastern lad , hartlepool i proffered,m no , then middlesvborugh "more north" newCASTLE - no - sunderland - ah sunderland, a distract with its own specific secret police ofrce, well coiffered this lad, am i being detained? no a simple stop and accout
i outlined muy differences with mi5 and the fact i had already been questioned by men with guns who stayed in their car , asked the m qabout diana, etc, 77, andf all that jazz, gave therm my bhroken card, apparantly their systems have many tom palmers lnmopwn to the police birthdays of the 8th januatry
i suggested a joined up approach they took it in good humour, subtle encouragement for my mission - JUST KILL ME JSUT SHOOT ME , no, put me in a cell and let me finish me john le carre, it was not to be, i failed to get a receipt, an other offcier approached, was he police or was he plauonmg dres up ?> i saw
the hieracrchyu , oh well, i made my 2way back to mi50 0 and then cops on bikes they park up, bloke with glasses other boke, the other bloke has read "our game" by john le carre, you now i think these coppers are enjouing the spooks getting the brunt of it
glasses tells me when asked about the most satisfying collar hes hada a bloke with a fucked winscreen uninsured, fdrunk driver who has mown down a mom, 14 ywAEA IN PERISON hw isa unsure of the name but as a dad, top, he likes this messing with the cops
he says its not the security services im dealing with but the security guards for the security services, them squared , which is a bit odd - we wax for a bit about commies, about the difference between england and france, the fact that their criminals might supply jihadis but our gangster type
criminals are all in the hands of the secret state, they habve nothing on me i can sit here and reqad kjohn le carre all i fuckin want.
an they go, and now im here now, and im gonna watch a movie. lol ol lol 6 houtrs on this laptop apparantly.

eh mcdonalds break about 3.50 mayo chicken double cheseburger coffee, no sitting down facilities, got gurried for using a roped off area for sugaring up - no matter westminster tower gardens were open
recconitre the building its open, couple of walks uop and down, open, have a shit wipe muy arse with the westminster royal news, chuck the paper in the river, perfect for an occupation i get back hgere and there all locked down again, eh
so scarty little old me, last can, for 2 n a half hours, maybe sleep on a train into kent n back again, well see, but still going strong hopefully another cop got 5 hours on this lappy apparantly, reh pour poor secret sertvices they have such better
things to do like fitting up islamicalluy named teenagers. bloody hell, and feeding bollocks to their tame journos who should no better who feed it to mugs, whoi spout crap, eh what a load of bollocks.
eh early shitft coming on they try the intercom, they have to go round back, i lift my budweisetr can, regnum defence in a town, they dont make eye contact, typical northface types and a blondie, havent been informed of this sporadic protest
better things to do? tell me ? international espionage? i can tell the m about foreing spys they dont want to bloody know. eh
I WAS INTERVIEED BY CID AND SPESH BRANCH - yeah and the guy that was doing security for the security setrvice name of DOYLE! ie - same name as someone here however correlation not causation, would still like to know, which groups s/hes aware of that have been destrouyed by infighting blah blah - blah - COP COP SPY SPY - but im getting remanded if i go within 1000 yards of mi5 is the salient point,
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