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Anniversary of Miami Showband massacre


42 years ago today a terror cell - the ‘Glenanne Gang’ - comprising members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, soldiers of the Ulster Defence Regiment, and paramilitaries of the Ulster Volunteer Force murdered three members of a popular Irish cabaret group, the Miami Showband.

A party of approximately ten from the gang, dressed as British soldiers, had flagged down the musicians as they travelled home after a gig at a fake checkpoint in the Buskhill area near Newry, with the intention of secreting a bomb (primed to detonate some time later) on board their minibus. This would then give the impression that the band's members were involved in armed Republican activity.

Instead the device exploded prematurely. The two soldiers trying to hide the device on the minibus, Harris Boyle and Wesley Somerville, were killed instantly. All the members of the band were disorientated and/or injured in the blast. The decision was then taken to eliminate them all then and there as witnesses to a heinous plot, and the gang opened fire with a wide array of UVF-held guns. Three band members - Fran O'Toole, Tony Geraghty and Brian McCoy - were killed. Two others - Stephen Travers and Des McAlea - were so gravely wounded that the gang thought them dead. The band's sixth member, Des Millar, had fortuitously made his own way home from the gig and so was not caught up in the charnel house at the checkpoint.

Subsequently the UVF released a statement falsely claiming that one of its ‘patrols’ come under heavy fire from the Miami Showband and others as they transferred a bomb from one vehicle to the minibus. This, like much else on the topic from the UVF, the Unionist establishment in Northern Ireland, and from the British state, was shown to be a brazen lie. In time, three members of the murder gang were convicted for their parts in the slayings at Buskhill. All have long since been released from gaol. None implicated any others involved.

Those involved in the Glenanne Gang included those who had been instrumental in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, as well as in numerous shootings and other attacks. Indeed, just three days ago the families of more than one hundred people killed over the years throughout the thirty-two counties of the island of Ireland by the UVF in collusion with the UDR and the RUC won a High Court action in relation to the failure to properly investigate the activities of the Glenanne Gang:

...Mr Justice Treacy has concluded that the RUC and the largest regiment in the British Army at the time, the UDR, have a case to answer against credible charges of mass murder. He has confirmed what the families always knew to be true, that their loved ones were the victims of state-sponsored murder.

Now the court has ruled that the families had a legitimate expectation and right to an independent investigation, the ball is in the British government’s court to find an equally independent mechanism to conclude the work.

Let us remember that there can be no peace, no reconciliation, without meaningful and candid truth-telling.

RIP Fran, Tony and Brian.


Miami Showband killings - Wikipedia
Glenanne gang - Wikipedia
Glenanne / Lethal Allies | The Pat Finucane Centre
JFF - Justice for the Forgotten

Side note: Stephen Travers identified one of the attackers as having an English accent, and wearing a different coloured beret to the UDR one worn by the other ‘soldiers’ at the checkpoint. British Army whistleblower Fred Holroyd has claimed British Army officer Robert Nairac was closely involved in the planning and execution of the operation. This is disputed by others. Regardless, the full story of Buskhill or of Glenanne has yet to be heard, and the full picture of collusion between state and Loyalist paramilitaries has yet to be painted.
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Just on this , over the summer the proudly loyal village of Moygashel in Co Tyrone erected a banner to Wesley Somerville who died trying to commit this massacre . He was responsible for a wave of sectarian killings , and was a British soldier, like almost all of the gang .


According to the new RUC , the erection of these banners glorifying a sectarian mass murderer and a sectarian mass murder gang constitutes a " hate incident " but not a " hate crime " .

Families say UVF killer Wesley Somerville banner is a hate crime

Anywhere else you would expect the cops to remove them and prosecute whoever did it . But no .
Instead when someone apparently took it upon themselves to remove the UVF banners the new RUC arrested a Tyrone man in his 60s on suspicion of theft . I shit you not .

Man arrested over removal of banner celebrating UVF killer
Documentary here on the Showband scene, the Miamis central role in it, explains how the band comprised members from north and south, catholic and Protestant ..all that jazz . And the devastating effect this massacre had on people's socialising and the like . Within Ireland the Miami were simply massive . This wasn't just some pub band . They were a musical phenomon .
Just to explain the showband scene for a minute . Ireland...especially in the 1970s was too bloody small and remote as a destination for touring by most musicians . And the northern troubles made it even worse . So as the mountain wouldn't come to Mohammed, Mohammed had to build his own mountain . The showbands emerged doing first rate covers of the music of the day. They were a massive attraction to people of all backgrounds . Huge . And the Miami were the biggest . The emotional and psychological impact of this massacre across the entire island shouldn't be underestimated . Everyone felt this massacre . These guys were on the tv , on the radio all the time . After their murders absolutely nobody was safe .

The surviving band members, roadie etc are interviewed . They give a blow by blow account of what happened. There was an attempt to pull roadie Brian Maguire over as well by a mystery car but he wisely kept going . Lead singer fran Otoole ..a wholly innocent young man who looked like a teenager ..was shot in the face over 20 times by these scum who were using dum dum bullets . The level of hatred involved makes me shudder .

My own family used to travel that same road at night virtually every weekend during the 1970s . A very tense journey after that . Mind you we liveb right in the middle of the murder triangle and once had a touch from these guys ..or mates of theirs. An uncles house was targeted as well . Thankfully nobody hurt on either occasion .
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