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Anarchy vs the Internet

Toast Rider

How would the internet function in such a society?

Specifically, since the internet is server based, and servers are owned by corporations found in countries, how would they be liberated from private capitalist ownership?
In what such a society?

Expropriation. Psychical. There is no other way. And anarchism in cone country doesn't really sound like anarchism at all.
You can communicate and host content server less. Tor is a good example of this, and is where you'll find most of what the media refers to as the 'dark net or web'

So I guess it would just go that way!

Then there's P2P apps, such as what's used to share content on Torrent networks between a group of computers.

Dark web - Wikipedia

Darknet - Wikipedia
You can communicate and host content server less. Tor is a good example of this, and is where you'll find most of what the media refers to as the 'dark net'

So I guess it would just go that way!

Then there's P2P apps, such as what's used to share content on Torrent networks between a group of computers.

The OP hasn't made that clear?

People would just form their own networks providing there's electricity? Oceans might cause a problem mind.

If everything's gone to shit, then, well, I guess it would go the same way as a zombie apocalypse.
Servers aren't inherently owned by corporations. Your mobile phone can be a server if you like, just not a very good one. Plus you could feasibly build your own data centre. It's one of the more scalable things in terms of capital requirement.

The bigger problem is the stuff you can't homebrew. Massive, fast, very high bandwidth international link connections, especially ones that go say, under the sea. This is where net neutrality really comes into it - transit, not destination.

In the scenario where today's networks collapsed, you could find ways to route over any and all available networks, including wet string or pigeon, until your message gets to its destination. It's just not reliable, fast or efficient, or really anything you'd expect from the modern internet. Lots of the internet's current architecture relies upon centralised trust (like IP assignment, or DNS) but there's nothing that's really insurmountable.
if the question is 'how does xx function in an anarchist society' then ask yourself how it works now and what would be radically different about it in collective ownership.

I know thats glib, but start from there surely
Better yet, instead of being a dick just explain what you meant. Not really difficult is it?
I shouldn't have to explain, it's not like I said anything difficult to understand. You asked two questions in the OP. Bamn is the answer to one of them. Work out which one it is, if you can. I won't hold my breath.
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Why would servers be different from railway tracks, electricity production, coffee plantations?
They don't need to even be dealt with on the same basis. A server can be of any size, and there are many technologies that are designed to allow pulling of data from multiple servers for efficiency - bittorrent is the one that most people are familiar with.
Without servers how would you store data?

Anyone can run a server. In the same way anyone can grow food.

Yes with the obvious infrastructure, knowledge and means. Servers are not different in this regard. I’d ask about potable water, electricity etc before worrying about interweb stuff...
if the question is 'how does xx function in an anarchist society' then ask yourself how it works now and what would be radically different about it in collective ownership.

I know thats glib, but start from there surely
Do you envision collectively deciding what would be allowed on the system?

How would taht work with stuff held elsewhere? Let's say community a has a server with local info, message boards, email and whatnot, and rules against posting revenge porn, but community b doesn't? How would you stop community a accessing or posting on community's b's site?
Do you envision collectively deciding what would be allowed on the system?

How would taht work with stuff held elsewhere? Let's say community a has a server with local info, message boards, email and whatnot, and rules against posting revenge porn, but community b doesn't? How would you stop community a accessing or posting on community's b's site?
The current system doesn't stop that.
Who cares if servers are owned by capitalists? The vast vast majority of web pages are free to view anyway :)
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