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An old satellite gets a new lease on life, thanks to the help of a servicing satellite


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An old communications satellite in orbit around Earth is back in service again after being nudged into new life-saving orbit by another satellite. Intelsat 901, which has been in space since 2001, is now providing telecommunications coverage over the Atlantic again after being moved to a new location in space by a servicer satellite, extending the vehicle’s mission by at least five years

If northrop could build one of these MEV vehicle with a lot of propellent it might be useful for clearing up large space junk. One downside at the moment, its looks like there's a long gap between launching an MEV and getting the satellite to the correct orbit, launched in October 2019, Intelsat was operating again in April, perhaps that's to save fuel which then can be used to deorbit Intelsat 901 in 5 years.
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