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Amazon Prime - JACK REACHER - Series 1- ALL OF THEM

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Hot off my post in the Amazon Prime thread - Reacher has landed - and if anything warranted a thread then this is it

Let me say, here and now, I hope that they make EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BOOK - this series is . . . to quote Ness "immense"

The lead is spot on (and I'm saying that after, basically admitting to a man crush on Tom Cruise in the 2 Reacher films he made)

The mindless, gratuitous violence is spot on to the books - although I am amazed that the slime-ball who mis-treated the doggo got off as lightly as he did . . . but, yunno . . . TV, not what I'd've done if I was Reacher

Fantastic background music track

If they can carry on with the remaining books to the same . . . or better . . . standard, I shall be delighted

No spoilers yet, I mean, the dog one isn't a "spoiler" as such, the scum-bag deserved what he got and more
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Half way through and loving it :)

Haven’t read the books but even so I can now see why so many people complained at the time that Tom Cruise was completely the wrong casting choice for the films :D
Can someone point out what is good about this? Is it their ability to make mindless violence seem more boring than Michael Portillo journeying to Carlisle on a British Rail Class 153 Super Sprinter?
Although I haven’t yet read any of them, I’d heard of the books even before the Tom Cruise films came out as a couple of friends are addicted to them and had mentioned them. I was surprised to read the other day there are more than twenty novels already published. This TV series covers the first book, so plenty of original material available for further seasons :)
Ha, I’m on episode 8

Very enjoyable nonsense, female lodger enjoying the showering/t-shirt changing torso shots
Y'see, this is why I don't have a problem with the Tom Cruise "Reacher", I'm a full centimetre taller than him, but this new "Johnny", not even on a foggy day, at a distance, with the sun shining into your eyes, would I ever get mistaken for him. Well OK, under those very specific set of circumstances, there's still a chance. I have after all, been working out and the old eight pack is coming on a treat
Although I haven’t yet read any of them, I’d heard of the books even before the Tom Cruise films came out as a couple of friends are addicted to them and had mentioned them. I was surprised to read the other day there are more than twenty novels already published. This TV series covers the first book, so plenty of original material available for further seasons :)
It seems that Lee Child is getting on a bit, the latest book (which I've got, in hardback, just not read yet) I think it's co-written with his son (?), the plan being for the Reacher quill to be passed on without any obvious bump in writing styles
It seems that Lee Child is getting on a bit, the latest book (which I've got, in hardback, just not read yet) I think it's co-written with his son (?), the plan being for the Reacher quill to be passed on without any obvious bump in writing styles
According to wiki:

In January 2020, Child announced that he would be retiring from writing the Jack Reacher book series, and hand it to his brother Andrew Grant, who would write further books of the series under the surname Child.[23] He intended to write the next few books together with Grant before passing the series entirely over to him.[24]
Lee Child - Wikipedia
Ok, I've finished it. Delighted to report I found just as absurdly rubbish/brilliant as the books. Like an 80's TV crime drama - say Dukes of Hazard or A Team - but with mobile phones and a HBO budget.

For simpletons like me, the expositions, basic dialogue, big reveals, goodies winning and Chekov's guns were amazing (the cat litter :D ), the end match-ups were almost WWF perfect, and the piss wasn't taken too much in Reacher being stupidly right every time...

(Though I fear for the series if they ever do the 'password guessing' book (I can't remember the name - it is literally the worst one, and I had flashbacks to it from the ridiculous reminder of their criminally bad "You Don't Mess With The Special Investigators" line :mad: but I digress...))

People are gushing about this Reacher as being physically more suitable than Cruise, but I still think Cruise was more Reacher (physics aside). I thought 'Big' Reacher had a touch of Saga Noren about him, like he reduced human contact because it was a slight burden or unpleasant experience for him, where as 'Book' Reacher (and Small (=Cruise) Reacher didn't over-communicate as it wasn't necessarily in accordance with his goals or motivations (but he was perfectly capable of enormous EI, as much as his IQ and physical strength).

I have a huge soft spot for the first Reacher film, it's what got me into the books, and the fight scenes are superb (the kneelift after talking the pub-fighters down to one man :cool: )

I'm actually currently reading what appears to be a Reacher book written by someone else - Don't Know Jack (which has started really fucking good) - that's based around FBI bods going to Margrave, and interviewing Roscoe, so this is perfect timing.

Also, nice touch for Lee Child (the Author) to bump into Reacher in his last visit to the diner :cool:

Oh, and Finlay in the car with his music was Lol :D

Oh ... and fucking hell ... How perfect was the casting of Joe Reacher in the flashback to his Mums deathbed, 90% botox and bouffant hair :thumbs: (Though he sounded nothing like Reacher :hmm: )
It seems that Lee Child is getting on a bit, the latest book (which I've got, in hardback, just not read yet) I think it's co-written with his son (?), the plan being for the Reacher quill to be passed on without any obvious bump in writing styles

Yes, I have read the first "Andrew Child" book...From memory it was fairly identical and very worthy of the series...Rolls into bumsfuck midwest-ville and destroys the local criminal redneck firm that's in cahoots with the local Police and has wronged a woman somewhere.
I haven't read any of the books (I have a copy of The Killing Floor in my 'to-read' pile so I suppose I should read it now) so I had no pre-conceptions of what Reacher should be liked I enjoyed the series greatly, it was well-acted with an intelligent plot, plenty of action and a few laughs along the way. I suspect it is going to make Alan Ritchson a big star figuratively as well as literally. I enjoyed the Tom Cruise films as well for that matter. Cruise may be madder than a bucket of frogs but his talent is undeniable.
The current consensus amongst fellow viewers appears to be

Tom cruise has the reacher personality
New fella has the height but is physically too buff and a bit too pretty and pleased with his lines

So Tom Cruise in a much taller body less buff more just angular meat and bones
Coming Soon

December 15th - series 2 of Jack (no middle name) Reacher

Can't wait

By way of preparation I'm re-re-re-watching series 1 and may watch the 2 x Tom Cruise films

One of my furtive guilty pleasures - the books, cos I don't really do screens very well). I have nothing to say about films or series or whatever, but I have to say that there is something very off about the handover to the younger brother. Absolutely not the same calibre whatsoever. Unreadable in fact...which has sent me back to the Lee Child books to try to define what was so gallopingly addictive and almost comforting. A coupla things - despite being a man of few words,there is a sort of firm morality and emotional content which is utterly lacking in Grant's book. Dialogue too. Rhythm and tempo were a large part of the pleasures of reading an entire Child book in one sitting.The chopped sentences and bracing narrative speed of the originals may have seemed easy to replicate...but has not really been effective in the younger brother's attempt.
Relieved in a way, as I am ashamed at the amount of shelf space given over to what really is tosh - addictive but kinda brain rotting.
Working my way through them


The first one written as a coalition between Lee Child and his brother wasn't great
The Reacher books are deceptively simple and might seem to be easily replicated. However, they manage to be incredibly formulaic (comfortingly so) yet singularly unique with a very recognisable authorial voice. Not an easy act to pull off over a long series of books as even the tiniest deviation from style is quite jarring.
Came straight here to post my concerns...Just seen s2 'drop', and the plot sounds like 'the' book that still gives me a few extra heart bpm just thinking about how awful it was. Indeed, it's slightly valudatiing to read my posts here and I called it out even then.

If there's a plot line that he has the dead ex colleagues computer, that uses a system where he has to gain access, and it is widely know that you get 80 attempts to try a password, and they guess it correctly on guess 80 (whilst parroting sone invented motto"you dont mess with the speciali nvestigators" which is just fucking offensive to sell that as an actual motto, like "look after your broom" for jarhead-esque septics) .. I'm writing to points of view.

I might be worrying over nothing (no, really) (and slightly Xmas pissed), bit I need to share/vent.

Either way let's rejoice Reacher is back.
Watching it now...Oh christ, he's got the message from his ex colleagues that something serious is going down by some code in the withdrawal amounts. My fears are realised. :mad:
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