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After Hours clubbing in Glasgow


Life as viewed from a Gay Gorbals Garret
I'm so used to clubbing till the next day down here in London, when I go home to Glasow where can I go. The big clubs close at 3am just as I'm usually just getting into the grove. :mad:

Then its a wait till 430 for the bus :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Suggestions needed for clubbing after 3am
1966 was a very good year :) I was born in Glasgow.
There is no other reason required to make it a good year.

Answers to subject please.
you could try here: www.soundhaus.co.uk you won't get in at 3, but it will stay open late; or at least it used to - I've left there at 8am, but my membership card dates from 1999 (when it was still a recording studio and the founding member fees paid for the renovations) I don't think I've been for about 4 years, I've probably got the oldest membership still in existance. I think its even got a proper license now, rather than just selling beer from cases bought at Macro.

Or you could just ask around in the club for where the parties are. That used to work 10 years ago, or was it 5? i'm not as young and fried as I used to be... sigh. :(
psykoptic said:
Or you could just ask around in the club for where the parties are. That used to work 10 years ago, or was it 5? i'm not as young and fried as I used to be... sigh. :(

Would be my suggestion.

There are invaruably after parties and the like whenever I go to dance clubs. Can't imagine Glaso=gow will be any different.
Thanks for the reply psykoptic. Im up home at christmas and will see what I find. I've sort of got used to London after hours scene and the Glasgow city council seem to not grant licences much after 3. They haven't realised chucking people at 3 does not help reduce the noise during the night. It so nice to finish when the transport is running.
psykoptic said:
I think its even got a proper license now, rather than just selling beer from cases bought at Macro.

It does and since then it aint what it used to be :(

Dunno if The Unit across from the Academy is still going, a scanky squat under one of the railway arches.
I used to count on house parties unless we were in places like the Soundhaus or that weird warehouse in some industrial estate by the Clyde. Never really worked that place out.

Or you can go to that 24hr cafe on Woodlands in the West End (tbf not really worth the journey if you don't live up there :D) the one that had bouncers on the weekend - Insomnia was its name. Not far from the pakora shop. Brie pakoras.......mmmmmmm......

I've been away from Glasgow for many years now :(
Thanks for the info. Will prob be in west end after clubbing. I've been away since 91 but I'm off up the road next week for my christmas break. I'm going to the Arches with a couple of old pals on the 16th till it shuts then I'll see where I end up. :)
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