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Action on ASB! Public meeting on 30 November at Lambeth Town Hall


basically a scrotum
Action on ASB started as a collaboration between two neighbouring residents associations.
By the time of their first public meeting with the council and police in September they numbered eight community groups and over 50 attendees. It was - I am told - extremely "lively".
The group is still very much in its infancy but over twenty community groups and many more individuals are now signed up and their next public meeting is on Nov 30 at Lambeth Town Hall.
The aim is to hold public bodies - in particular Lambeth and the police - publicly accountable for the recent increase in ASB, and lobby for more resources to be focused on the four main Brixton wards.
Action on ASB! is made up from a wide range of community groups. Attendees of the first meeting included representatives from:
  • Afewee training centre
  • Brixton Mosque
  • Brixton Terrace Tenant & Residents Association
  • Dalyell Area Residents’ Association
  • Papa’s Park children’s playground
  • Stockwell Village Association
  • SW9 Housing
  • Tunstall Road Residents’ Group.
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