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ACPO to become accountable public body?


Niall Ferguson's deep-cover sock-puppet
In his first major interview since taking office, Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), acknowledged public disquiet over the way his units are gathering data on thousands of activists and said the scheme "can go tomorrow", although he said some form of monitoring of protesters would need to continue, with independent regulation.

Senior police officers from all 44 forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will meet to discuss his proposals tomorrow. The discussions could result in Acpo becoming a statutory body, and could mean parts of the organisation, such as those responsible for monitoring so-called "domestic extremists", are sponsored by the Home Office and ultimately answerable to parliament.

Denis O'Connor, the chief inspector of constabulary, is expected to call for major reform of Acpo's domestic extremism units in a major report into the policing of protest later this month. His inspectors believe Acpo has fallen victim to mission creep, taking on "quasi-operational" national policing functions that lack proper accountability.


Declaring that "change is what I do", Orde told the Guardian he plans to transform Acpo, which has functioned as private members' club for top ranking officers for almost a century.

He said he would open parts of the organisation to government regulation and, in a significant move, would look to make his organisation a public body.

Quite a lot more here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/nov/11/hugh-orde-acpo-police-surveillance-protesters-reform

Not sure what to make of this. PR spin tp pre-empt O'Connor's report, or potential for genuine reform?
Quite a lot more here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/nov/11/hugh-orde-acpo-police-surveillance-protesters-reform

Not sure what to make of this. PR spin tp pre-empt O'Connor's report, or potential for genuine reform?

For quite awhile, I thought ACPO was a professional body for senior police officers. A 'professional' union for want of a (far better) phrase.

I didn't realise it was a limited company (so I've read), with a commercial licensing arm, no accountability, and gets significant revenue from us.

It even seems to set Police policy in some matters, again, in no way we the public can directly influence, not even via government.

Amazing. Truly amazing.
If it was a public body, what would it do that the NPIA can't?
What? What's the NPIA got to do with anything?

ACPO is currently a private company which is not accountable to the public or parliament. They're proposing to change that. It will still perform the functions of ACPO, but they'll be open to public scrutiny. As they should be.
I'm not entirely sure how bringing it under the purview of the Home Office is going to improve matters - it's hardly as if the Home Office aren't entirely happy with gathering data on "domestic extremists" for instance. This just looks like a power struggle between cops and politicians.
It does look like that. Orde announcing his ideas before they've been discussed with ACPO is a bit weird - there's no commitment to becoming a statutory body, but it's clearly him that is suggesting that it could/(should?) become one. He's trying to outmanoeuvre someone, or several people, possibly ACPO itself.

Whatever you think of the Home Office, it has to be better than allowing ACPO to profit commercially as a private company from the use of police resources (CRB checks and endorsing security products) and then churning the money back into their own pet surveillance projects with no public accountability at all.
Sure, but snipping off a particular area of profiteering isn't going to change the way the police actually operate. The underlying motives aren't going to change or, practically, be any easier to challenge or deal with.
Well no, miracles would be a little too much to expect.
Whatever you think of the Home Office, it has to be better than allowing ACPO to profit commercially as a private company from the use of police resources (CRB checks and endorsing security products) and then churning the money back into their own pet surveillance projects with no public accountability at all.

That's roughly my view.

Whilst there's an issue, in my book, of politicians controlling the police, that shouldn't mean - to avoid that - we have policy determined by an organisation that is accountable to noone. Not even the EU.

Why should policing be accountable to no-one? No collective values, no matter how contestible they are. Accountable to no-one?
Not sure what to make of this.
Not really surprising as you are pathologically incaable of listening to what anyone else might think or taking account of any information which conflicts with your preconceived ideas and the groupthink of the dominant wankfest ...

I didn't realise it was a limited company (so I've read), with a commercial licensing arm, no accountability, and gets significant revenue from us.
As someone who uses this site, you would have done if it wasn't for the fact that the fuckwits like ymu harass to fuck anyone who is / was / dares to voice support for the police service. The status of ACPO is something I had commented about here in the past and something which I would have continued to comment about over recent months as they have introduced yet more pseudo-(and not so pseudo-!) operational units.

Unfortunately I am not here because of the activities of ymu et al. Nor are many of the other posters with an insight into policing and police politics. I have left it ages and came back with a totally innocuous post on another thread which led to an instant flaming led by them and so I gave up again.

I think that is U75s loss ... but if it wants to just be the circle-jerk that it has become then good luck to it. If you want to hear other opinions and views then tell ymu and their mates to leave their prejudices behind when they log on.
Unfortunately I am not here because of the activities of ymu et al. Nor are many of the other posters with an insight into policing and police politics. I have left it ages and came back with a totally innocuous post on another thread which led to an instant flaming led by them and so I gave up again...

Aw he's so cute...can we keep him?
Awww. He would have told us the truth about ACPO if we didn't keep picking up on his lies elsewhere.

Not really surprising as you are pathologically incaable of listening to what anyone else might think or taking account of any information which conflicts with your preconceived ideas and the groupthink of the dominant wankfest ...

As someone who uses this site, you would have done if it wasn't for the fact that the fuckwits like ymu harass to fuck anyone who is / was / dares to voice support for the police service. The status of ACPO is something I had commented about here in the past and something which I would have continued to comment about over recent months as they have introduced yet more pseudo-(and not so pseudo-!) operational units.

Unfortunately I am not here because of the activities of ymu et al. Nor are many of the other posters with an insight into policing and police politics. I have left it ages and came back with a totally innocuous post on another thread which led to an instant flaming led by them and so I gave up again.

I think that is U75s loss ... but if it wants to just be the circle-jerk that it has become then good luck to it. If you want to hear other opinions and views then tell ymu and their mates to leave their prejudices behind when they log on.
Ah well...there you go.

You come on to a site...calling yourself police...standing up for the police and being the champion of the police...and you run away crying like a bitch when you come under the hardest scrutiny? Claiming foul, claiming bias, claiming ignorance?

And that's what you'll get, here. if you come looking for it. You'll get a hard test.

The police deserve better. So does urban. Stop being a bitch, eh?
This Urban and these posters deserve absolutely sweet fuck all.

How editor has allowed what was once such a vibrant and effective bulletin board to become this self-interested circle jerk is beyond me ... :( :(

You mean because you get challenged on the facts, and people don't roll over and agree with you when you stamp your feet and hurl out childish insults?

Your performance on this thread is absolutely typical. If you had an ounce of humility, you'd have read what other people were writing, checked out the links, and accepted that you had been mistaken. But you're too arrogant for that, so you just keep coming back with your testosterone-fuelled insults, insisting that you were right all along. It's sublime.

On this thread, you're just stalking me. Hence your ridiculous non-sequitur opening line. It's so transparent, but you lack any self-awareness whatsoever. It's quite remarkable to watch.
You mean because you get challenged on the facts, and people don't roll over and agree with you when you stamp your feet and hurl out childish insults?
No. I mean because you are a cunt.

On this thread, you're just stalking me.
More Pot and Kettle fun from the prick who immediately waded in on the fucking thread you now wave around like some sort of fucking trophy, slagging me off as you have done consistently for fucking ages, every time I post anything.

Me have no self-awareness ... don't make me fucking laugh, internet loser.
Just ignore the people you find abusive. You really don't help anything or anyone by responding in this tedious 'cunt, cunt, cunt' way or by flouncing for the umpteenth time.
No. I mean because you are a cunt.

Like ... er ... Pickman's model is a cunt? That sort of thing, eh?

No. What is resorted to when being stalked around the fucking boards by an obsessive, trolling cunt with a fucking (totally misplaced) superiority complex.

Well, it might be a fucking complex if you were actually smart enough ... I suspect it's actually a fucking superiority simple in your case ...

Not only a cunt. A fucking predictable cunt!

I don't say that anyone who disagrees with me is a cunt.

People simply do not take the time to engage in the various mechanisms which exist to debate policing, locally, at Borough level, at force level or nationally. The police put huge amounts of time and effort into supporting these mechanisms ... and no cunt turns up (or, at least, no cunt with anything worth debating ...

I was ignoring you for a while but you then seemed to start being reasonable again and so, like a cunt, I started responding again.

What the fuck are you talking about you trolling cunt?

It's not ME telling YOU how you should use the fucking board though is it?

It's you, you fucking egotistical cunt.

It wouldn't even occur to me to try and suggest to someone else that they are using the boards inappropriately. But, then again, I'm not a cunt loser ...

And for what it's worth, I posted a fucking link yesterday which summarises the fucking law as exactly what I fucking say it is. (ETA: Whihc i now see you have already followed and still you don't have the common courtesy to fucking apologise. Cunt.)

Apology awaited.

Oh look ... another ignorant gobshite cunt ...

You really are a total, complete and utter cunt. :mad:

None of that has anything to do with me calling you a cunt. That is based purely and simply on the basis that you are a cunt, as amply demonstrated by the shite you have posted on this thread.


(But clearly not as simple as you ...)

Cunt. Not oik. Total, complete and utter cunt.

(Don't want you to be labouring under any illusions there ... and please feel free to link to all those threads I've joined only after you and only in order to have a go at you ... :rolleyes:)

I think you're a cunt.

, I am an ex-cop so I must be a cunt.

Me neither. And I'd sum it up more succinctly. He's a cunt. :mad:

You'll love it here mate. It's a cunt's convention these days ...
you potty-mouthed loser :rolleyes:
You'll love it here mate. It's a cunt's convention these days ... :rolleyes:
i wouldn't be surprised if keith blakelock laughed the day he died.

some years ago i was passing through muswell hill late at night and saw a couple pass the memorial to pc blakelock. boyfriend stooped down and removed the flowers from the memorial and handed them to his girlfriend, and they both walk off quite happy. it's nice to know that mrs blakelock has made at least one couple happy :)
I appreciate that ... but I am at a total loss for any other way to describe the likes of Pickman's model ... :mad:
All the officers said very similar things about Keith - he was dedicated, professional and really cared about what he did and the people he served in the community. They also talked of his sense of humour, which was evident hours before his death when he was preparing to be deployed with the rest of his serial.

sounds to me like he laughed once or twice on the day he died.
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