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Absolutely the only single GE 2017 results thread.

So May's gonna stay, thanks to terrorists.

I don't get what's good about any of this.

People hoped for a labour win, no one expected it. This is the second best thing. Remember we were fearing a Tory landslide. They have fucked themselves. Just enjoy that at least. And the labour manifesto genuinely got people interested. The gnashing and wailing from the likes of the Diem can't obscure that completely.
On Slugger The DUP are in pole position to remove the threats both of a hard border and a border poll
Brexit ‘s revival of the spectre of a hard border and the support of Ireland’s partners for a united Ireland with consent within the EU was the perfect formula for the complete polarisation which has duly happened at Westminster level.

Nationalism is now without representation at Westminster for the first time since 1966. The SDLP’s special pleading for an anti-Brexit pact failed and their attack on Sinn Fein for abstention from Westminster left the voters unmoved. If the voters abandoned the centre ground in the election perhaps the opposite poles can now do a Stormont deal without looking over their shoulders.
I hadn't thought of this: SF's a victim of its own success. N.I. now polarised into a roughly Prod East dominated by the DUP and Catholic West with SF wiping out the SDLP. The centre did not hold. The extremists won. But now due to the quirky British electoral system the DUP's is poised for all its wishes to come true because Dodd's has No 10 by the balls. Aiming at locking down a soft but permanent Irish border.

Points out in the past such moments of Unionist leverage have not worked so well for them.
How so?

One thing I'm heartened by is that the terrorism didn't derail the labour vote.

As for the justifications May is be giving for staying today? They're meaningless. Completely meaningless - she's scrabbling around for something and latching on to that.
yeh. well she's just making it worse for herself, as everyone knows she's a lame duck and will be put out of her misery shortly. she'll be humiliated by corbyn at every pmq because the tables have been turned in the leadership stakes. she'll be roasted by her party for being so utterly crap.

she'll be exposed as the fraud she is :cool:
On Slugger The DUP are in pole position to remove the threats both of a hard border and a border poll
I hadn't thought of this: SF's a victim of its own success. N.I. now polarised into a roughly Prod East dominated by the DUP and Catholic West with SF wiping out the SDLP. The centre did not hold. The extremists won. But now due to the quirky British electoral system the DUP's is poised for all its wishes to come true because Dodd's has No 10 by the balls. Aiming at locking down a soft but permanent Irish border.

Points out in the past such moments of Unionist leverage have not worked so well for them.
yeh. this would be the soft but permanent irish border to which sinn fein signed up at the good friday and st andrew's agreements.
I thought this earlier. But the Tories have a clear majority in England so wouldn't that make them alright?

I haven't had much sleep. :D

yeh, having done the quick maths, it's not going to fuck them as much as I hoped. Was forgetting to deduct non-English MPs from the totals for Labour and LibDems :oops:
Just watched the speech - some incredible* stuff:

* as in plain fucking lies:

"nobody left behind"
"a country in which prosperity and opportunity are shared..."

Then she talks about the "Conservative & Unionist Party" having legitimacy bestowed by the electorate. It's a pity they weren't on anyone's ballot papers then.
Just watched the speech - some incredible* stuff:

* as in plain fucking lies:

"nobody left behind"
"a country in which prosperity and opportunity are shared..."

Then she talks about the "Conservative & Unionist Party" having legitimacy bestowed by the electorate. It's a pity they weren't on anyone's ballot papers then.
Conservative and Unionist Party is the full name of the tory party. Rarely heard, just times like now when they need help.
On Slugger The DUP are in pole position to remove the threats both of a hard border and a border poll
I hadn't thought of this: SF's a victim of its own success. N.I. now polarised into a roughly Prod East dominated by the DUP and Catholic West with SF wiping out the SDLP. The centre did not hold. The extremists won. But now due to the quirky British electoral system the DUP's is poised for all its wishes to come true because Dodd's has No 10 by the balls. Aiming at locking down a soft but permanent Irish border.

Points out in the past such moments of Unionist leverage have not worked so well for them.
Would they stop at preserving a soft perma-border?

I've no idea who this twat here is, but could he be reading the tea leaves correctly?

Just watched the speech - some incredible* stuff:

* as in plain fucking lies:

"nobody left behind"
"a country in which prosperity and opportunity are shared..."

Then she talks about the "Conservative & Unionist Party" having legitimacy bestowed by the electorate. It's a pity they weren't on anyone's ballot papers then.

Certainty. She's going to bring certainty. Nothing more certain than a rag tag minority government propped up by a handful of hate filled loons.

Props to her for trying to style it out though, maybe she's hoping that no one was watching.
i guess you were expecting a labour majority?

I was expecting the tories to win (expecting not wanting them to win) so this is much better than i thought it would be.
I wasn't expecting labour to win at all. I was expecting the tories to, and they have. A coalition with a few irish headbangers wont' stop them from continuing their social pogrom, once they get rid of May.
The fucking cheek of it as well saying Corbin needs to respect his colleagues now. Has Toni said anything yet.
Did he really say that? He has to respect the colleagues that offered nothing of the same after he twice won the leadership election and can now only muster the very least possible after their best showing in a GE for years.

And y'know what, he probably will :rolleyes:

Up to a point ;)
People hoped for a labour win, no one expected it. This is the second best thing. Remember we were fearing a Tory landslide. They have fucked themselves. Just enjoy that at least. And the labour manifesto genuinely got people interested. The gnashing and wailing from the likes of the Diem can't obscure that completely.
Yes it is better than a tory landslide.

But it doesn't help the poor or the disabled. So i'm not sure how this plays out any differently, really. The coalitioin with the libdems didn't fall apart.
Yes it is better than a tory landslide.

But it doesn't help the poor or the disabled. So i'm not sure how this plays out any differently, really. The coalitioin with the libdems didn't fall apart.

Well what are you going to do about it? If you were relying on labour that was always going to be a non-starter.
I wasn't expecting labour to win at all. I was expecting the tories to, and they have. A coalition with a few irish headbangers wont' stop them from continuing their social pogrom, once they get rid of May.

ok, i see what you mean. I don't know much about the DUP yet. They have a pretty small majority even with the DUP though so hopefully there will be a few byelection loses.
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