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A simple garden pond.

My pond is exploding with daphnia water fleas.
Never seem to get fleas in my pond - or I'm not looking hard enough.

Did buy a couple of bags off fleas of ebay a few years back to try and kick start a colony :D

There is definitely one frog in the pond - he'll pop his head up once the weather gets hotter.
I noticed zillions of bloodworms. Bought three teeny tiny goldfish. Lobbed them in. They are getting used to the cold I think.
I once had a great pond. Large enough for carp and gold fish, with Italian frogs who used to make a fantastic noise. The pond pump though wasn't so clever often needing emergency attention. But it was a great bit of the property and I miss it now.
Small but busy. Still loads of toad and newt activity- lots of 5mm toadlets scrabbling around on the edges. The dog doesn’t jump in any more. A handful of goldfish that seem to be flourishing, so may have to move a couple in at some point. Added bonus - the odd bat skittering about at night for the insects. A garden rake is great to drag out the duckweed every couple of weeks. But bull rushes as well
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Just moved into a house with a garden pond. What the fuck do I do with it? Might post some pics and get advice. Cat has fallen in it twice already. :facepalm:
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