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50 best video games of the 21st Century

We've done the albums and TV ones in other forums, now it's the chance for gamers to disagree with the guardian list.

The 50 best video games of the 21st century

Personally, I'd have GTAV in 3rd and I'd also find a place for PUBG, Elite Dangerous, League of Legends and DOTA. In fact, there seems to be quite a few missing from the esports genre. No CS:GO or Rainbow Six for instance.
No Super Mario Galaxy (1 or 2), no Zelda Wind Waker or Twilight Princess
The problem with these lists is that they're so broad, you end up excluding stuff because others in the same series have been included. For instance, Mario.

If Mario had 15 games, and they were all among the top 15 games of all time, they should be in this list by right. But it would make a shit list. So most franchises appear once...twice if they're 'special' - Like Mario and Zelda here. So even thought SMG might be better than Burnout 3, it's tough, because there's already 2 Mario games in the list.

tbh, it's not a bad list. Obviously going to piss some people off, and goes for some populist choices rather than the actual better game (Portal 1 is way better than 2, for instance), but otherwise :thumbs:
no Zelda Wind Waker or Twilight Princess
If they decided to limit the number from each series of games, I think they picked the right Zeldas.

Breath of the Wild is absolutely incredible. It's beautiful to look at, the story is epic and unfolds brilliantly as the game goes on, the gameplay is just right and I loved playing it. The sense of achievement when I finally got inside Hyrule Castle and survived was awesome. My heart melted a little bit at the end. Definitely the best Zelda game since Occarina of Time.

Wind Walker looked amazing and was good to play, but felt liked it had been rushed out before it was finished. Having traveled the islands battling the bosses you got to the end and... battled the same bosses again - fin. Still loved it. Wish I still had my Gamecube and this game so I could play it again.

Twighlight Princess was good, but doesn't grab me as an essential Zelda game. Then, I was so stoned while playing it I can barely remember it.

Majora's Mask on the other hand is a very unusual game in its structure, replaying the same 3 days over and over until you've explored the all the lands, solved everyone's problems and saved the world. It's one spooky game - that moon still freaks me out. It deserves it's place just for being such a different experience.

I fucking love Zelda.
None of the Civs, EU, Total Wars, CK2, Cities Skylines being in there is an oversight in my opinion. The amount of love put into those games by both producers and gamers deserves some recognition.

No Football Manager/Championship manager either?

Games that people put 1000's of hours into sometimes.
None of the Civs, EU, Total Wars, CK2, Cities Skylines being in there is an oversight in my opinion. The amount of love put into those games by both producers and gamers deserves some recognition.

No Football Manager/Championship manager either?

Games that people put 1000's of hours into sometimes.
People put millions of hours into Angry Birds - that doesn't make it one of the best games
People put millions of hours into Angry Birds - that doesn't make it one of the best games

This is true, but comparing Angry Birds too Civ isn't the same either in my opinion. Those games are generally great games in their field so to see them ommited is surprising.
The Civs in the 2000s were just remakes of Civ 2, which was too early.

Let's face it, there have been an awful lot of games released in the past almost 20 years though. Even if every single entry here was a complete seminal classic there would still be others you could argue for. It's even worse for that than your normal best-of listicle.
I've not heard of any. . . . Except one, which I actually own to my surprise. Ico.
Can't remember it though, and can't play it anymore because it the Japanese version.
I would say it's quite an unimaginative list. Lots of "big" games but nothing very obscure. Do we really need GTA IV & V? They're essentially the same thing.

Mario Odyssey rather than Galaxy?

Last of Us, Gears of War, Cod, Battlefield.

Metal Gear V??? Seriously?

But then this stuff is all subjective innit?
its very light on strategy - no civ, no football manager? (as mentioned above - these are outstanding game in their field) no war strategy games at all?

seems very much console-orientated - and even then, the absence of any fallout games is quite glaring.
Released in 2000 apparently. The N64 is basically a 90s machine though; I thought it was a 90s game before I checked.
Blimey, that doesn't quite compute for me. . . But giving it some thought I guess it makes sense as I worked for gamesmaster and gamesworld etc and never covered it (it all shut down just before 2000).
There was a weird thing it did without the expansion pack with strange light looking characters, but after you play with the pack and the game updates you can never get it back, even if you remove the expansion.

I want to play golden eye now.
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