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3D printing a SQUID detector (can detect extremely faint magnetic fields, monitoring brain signals and geophysics, hunting for ore deposits)


Well-Known Member
3D printing a SQUID detector. SQUID stands for, superconducting quantum interference device. They can detect extremely faint magnetic fields, applications include monitoring brain signals and geophysics, hunting for ore deposits.

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3D printing a SQUID detector. SQUID stands for, superconducting quantum interference device. They can detect extremely faint magnetic fields, applications include monitoring brain signals and geophysics, hunting for ore deposits.

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This is wonderful and that video is very watchable.
I've long thought that 3D printers are going to become Star Trek-like replicators and teleportation devices. I wonder if this is a step towards building the next generation (arf) of them.

How amazing to be the bachelor's student. Not even Ph fucking D!
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