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Search results for query: smoking

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  1. B

    Sunak wants to phase out legal smoking

    ...ban it asap. So its availability is an anomaly. You could say the same about alcohol but it's not quite as thoroughly bad for your health as smoking, and is more culturally important. So maybe tobacco's status as a brutally damaging drug available in every corner shop should end? If so, how...
  2. dessiato

    Smoking, grilling, BBQ

    After reading the charcoal thread I thought I'd ask about smoking/grilling. I want smoke fish and chicken mainly. I'm hoping for cold smoking rather than hot. I want a, not too expensive, BBQ to do as per the title. Any recommendations?
  3. platinumsage

    The Khan review on smoking

    Thankfully the government seem minded to ignore this: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-khan-review-making-smoking-obsolete ..because it gets pretty batshit:
  4. C

    Disposal of Old Radioactive Smoke Alarms?

    Does anyone have any ideas what I should do with this old smoke alarm with Americium 241 in it (ionization chamber type)? I would assume that dumping radioactive waste in the black bin isn't, like, ideal. But there's scarce little I can actually find about what to do with them once their life's...
  5. J

    New (Used) Car - Smoking Smell

    So I bought a new car today, a '67 plate Mercedes E220d AMG Line. 9k miles on the clock, from a Mercedes garage, was happy with the price. All the way home I had a nagging feeling that along the 'just valeted for sale' aroma, there was something else. Mrs Smiles, got in when I got home and...
  6. editor

    Study: E-cigarettes are no better than alternative aids to quit smoking

    Thought this may be of interest to the urban smokers who want to quit https://www.newscientist.com/article/2253580-e-cigarettes-
  7. bimble

    Any other idiots (like me) still smoking? This virus means time to stop & wld love mutual support.

    ...https://tobacco.ucsf.edu/reduce-your-risk-serious-lung-disease-caused-corona-virus-quitting-smoking-and-vaping https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-vaping/smoking-or-vaping-increases-risks-for-those-with-coronavirus-nyc-mayor-idUSKBN20V0Z0
  8. A

    Smoking in mental health centres

    ...a mental health unit in the UK, I would like to know if patients were allowed to smoke on the ward, or on the premisses. I want to focus on smoking cannabis (weed) as I may have some evidence this happens. Now I want to talk to everyone who has experienced/seen this happen and to get your...
  9. editor

    Smoke and Mirrors: The Psychology of Magic – free exhibition at the Wellcome Collection, London

    This free exhibition is wonderful! Fantastic exhibition! Smoke and Mirrors: The Psychology of Magic – free exhibition at the Wellcome Collection, London
  10. NoXion

    Smoke alarm keeps going off

    So the smoke alarms in my flat have gone off (for NO FUCKING REASON) and the fucking stupid things won't shut off. They're too fucking loud and I can't even hear myself think. What the fuck do I do? If they were just the stick-up battery powered jobbies I would have taken them down and smashed...
  11. Miss-Shelf

    house smells of smoke

    There was quite a big fire in the next door house yesterday. Fortunately, houses either side were not damaged and no one was injured [cannabis farm]. Fire brigade had the doors and windows to my house open for house during and following the fire and now it smells bad. I am going to...
  12. Fez909

    Help: The Flea treament, smoke alarm & burglar alarm conundrum

    I have a situation I don't know how to fix and it's doing my head in. I'll be brief because hopefully someone can help tonight/ASAP 1. Had cats, cats now gone. Suddenly fleas everywhere. 2. Tried sprays, hoovering etc, but flea problem getting worse. Infestation 3. Bought smoke bombs, need to...
  13. cupid_stunt

    Philip Morris [Marlboro maker] launches anti-smoking campaign - accused of hypocrisy .

    Well, this is a strange one, on a par with turkeys' voting for Christmas. :hmm: They are spunking £2m on a anti-smoking campaign in the UK, kicking off with a wraparound on today's Daily Mirror & a video ad that spoofs Mission Impossible. Tobacco firm attacked for anti-smoking ad I am...
  14. a_chap

    Do you mind if I smoke? R.I.P. Fenella Fielding

    90 years old and until very recently still setting hearts fluttering. She was someone I always wanted to meet.
  15. Whagwan

    Home smoking/BBQ

    So I searched and couldn't find an appropriate thread (I assumed there would be, maybe I'm just rubbish at searching) Currently laying new floors and doing lots of painting so being at home all day at the weekend is ideal for an 8hr+ smoke. This weekend I did brisket, Texan dry rub and smoked...
  16. editor

    Trying to give up smoking - acupuncture and other treatments in Brixton?

    A friend is trying to give up smoking with little success. Patches failed to work and vaping proved unpopular. I remember that a heavy smoking friend of mine used to go to acupuncture and that treatment would stop his urges for 4-5 months or so before he went back for more. Has anyone has any...
  17. Fingers

    Smoking in Plane Bogs

    So, will having a blast on an e-ciggy in the bogs on a plane set off any sort of detectors? I have a nine hour flight to Mumbai next Friday then a five hour flight to Bangkok and will probs require a chuff at some stage of the proceedings.
  18. D

    Is Smoked Paprika The Same As Sweet Smoked Paprika?

    I've scoured the web and can't find a definitive answer to this question - so I thought I'd ask you lot!! I already buy the supermarket's own smoked paprika, but I have seen a sweet smoked paprika doing the rounds on various cookery shows for a while now. It comes in a corned beef type tin...
  19. clicker

    smoke alarm problem.

    So the fire brigade fitted it free a couple of years ago. It started beeping yesterday...managed to get the lid off and can't see what needs doing? It says battery is not removable and i cant get to it anyway? It says due for replacement 2017. I want to rip it off the ceiling. Any ideas before...
  20. Shippou-Sensei

    Students who smoke...

    What do you do about it? I'm actually thankful that a bunch of my students have the sence to be on capes but never the less tones of my 16 - 18 students are smokers. It fucking bugs me. Even more than the students who cone to class stinking of weed. (They have a diffrent issue) I really...
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