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Search results for query: piers morgan

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  1. Gromit

    Piers Morgan / Emily Maitlis tweet

    ...you say but as a journalist you can be held responsible for telling people what someone else has said? Now let me be clear. I think Piers Morgan is a cunt to the nth degree. Even so you got to see his point in the retweeted tweet. But as it’s criticism of the government… god forbid a BBC...
  2. Tooter

    Piers Morgan rehired by Murdoch for his new TalkTV

    The flouncer is rehired for another right wing biased news propaganda 'news' station GB news is a failure, I can only hope this venture goes the same way. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/16/piers-morgan-hired-to-launch-rupert-murdoch-tv-station-talktv?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  3. Pickman's model

    piers morgan (and the daily mail) keep it classy

    JK Rowling falsely accuses Trump of not shaking boy's hand | Daily Mail Online cos this is obvs far worse than anything trump or piers morgan has done
  4. R

    Piers Morgan gets pwned on live US TV

    This is pretty good. He gets a very easy ride in the UK - being allowed to spout his pro-Trump shit to millions every morning on ITV. Not in the US, ironically (although it took an aussie to do it) He's pretty pissed off about it on twitter too :D
  5. G

    Piers Morgan axed

    So. Yes, he's a cunt. Bit of an enigma really. But i quite like the fact he stuck it up the right wing americans for three years. I cant believe he was too left wing for their liking, says more about the US than him. He'll be back on UK screens, im sure of that. Surely in front of a jury given...
  6. belboid

    Piers Morgan nicked

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26192373 well, questioned at the mo, but he has to be, doesn't he?
  7. Awesome Wells

    Ann Coulter Gets Owned...by Piers Morgan! Everyone Wins!

    I don't know about you, but I've been waiting a long time to see someone be mildly successful at putting this evil stick insect in her place. It's not that she's (in any way) smart or witty; the inertia of her ignorance affords her an armour that seems able to deflect the most rock solid...
  8. weltweit

    Frank Bruno, interviewed by Piers Morgan.

    On tonight, ITV, 10:35 Not sure if this is new or old, I did see an interview with Bruno on the TV before. I like Bruno, I will probably watch it.
  9. Minnie_the_Minx

    Petition to Deport Piers Morgan

    http://www.itv.com/news/2012-12-24/30-000-sign-petition-to-deport-piers-morgan-over-gun-control-views/ We don't want him back! Anyway, isn't this a bit arrogant of him No, it just means they probably don't give a shite either way
  10. inferno

    Keep Piers Morgan in the USA petition

  11. gosub

    Help keep Piers Morgan out of the UK

    ...we petition the obama administration to: Keep Piers Morgan in the USA We want to keep Piers Morgan in the USA. There are two very good reasons for this. Firstly, the first amendment. Second and the more important point. No one in the UK wants him back. Actually there is a third. It...
  12. gosub

    Twitter bitch fight Alan Sugar vs Donald Trump vs Piers Morgan

  13. editor

    Gun nut fruitloop Alex Jones goes completely bananas at Piers Morgan on TV

    Can't quite work out who the biggest arsehole is here, but I think the award has to go to Alex Jones who is quite a spectacular ranting twat. His ignorance of the UK is quite frightening and his inability to answer a question is a fabulous example of how conspiraloons argue.
  14. editor

    Piers Morgan told me how to hack a phone, says Jeremy Paxman

    :D http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/may/23/leveson-piers-morgan-paxman Morgan has had a little hissy fit on Twitter in response: https://twitter.com/#!/piersmorgan
  15. skyscraper101

    Piers Morgan interviewing Gordon Brown

    ...side of our great leader! Or... car crash cringe TV made to make Gord look like a 'right on' kinda PM - Tony Blair style. No doubt Piers Morgan will be sucking up to his old chum big time into the mix. Worth a look perhaps...
  16. D

    Piers Morgan interviewing Vinnie Jones

    I was so pissed last night I watched this without punching myself in the face repeatedly. It was one massive cunt-off with Vinnie grinning about his casual violence and that. Piers was, well, Piers being a cock. Fuck I hate ITV
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