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Search results for query: tate modern

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  1. editor

    Tate Modern incident: Teenager arrested for attempted murder after child, 6, ‘thrown from height’

    Fucking hell. Teenager arrested after child ‘thrown from height’ at Tate Modern
  2. editor

    Tate Modern - huge chairs, a room for crying, the amazing 24hr clock and a heat sensitive floor

    There's plenty of free things to do at the Tate Modern right now. Here's some pics from my visit: Tate Modern photos: Huge chairs, a crying room, the Clock, a heat sensitive floor and more, Oct 2018
  3. editor

    A tower of 800 radios: Cildo Meireles’ Babel at the Tate Modern, London

    I loved this installation at the Tate Modern. Free entry too. More: A tower of 800 whispering radios: Cildo Meireles’ Babel at the Tate Modern, London
  4. editor

    Abraham Cruzvillegas: Empty Lot at the Tate Modern. Meh.

    Anyone been to this? I was a bit underwhelmed. It's free and on until April if it's of interest. Abraham Cruzvillegas: Empty Lot. A bit like watching paint dry. Or weeds grow. Tate Modern, London
  5. FridgeMagnet

    Conflict Time Photography @ Tate Modern

    Just went to see this—excellent stuff. Good central theme of photography at different lengths of time after conflict, from moments to a hundred years, and as well as having a great selection of images (lots of Don McCullin btw) it gives you a sense of different and evolving perspectives, from...
  6. Sirena

    Paul Klee - Tate Modern

    Has anyone been and can tell me something about it? Is there much in it (like how many rooms and/or paintings)? Do you need to book beforehand or can you just roll up on the day?
  7. editor

    Posh parents defend their child scrambling over Tate Modern scultpture

    This works on so many level as an outrage machine! http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/01/31/tate-modern-sculpture-par_n_4701588.html
  8. plurker

    Kraftwerk - gig series (Feb 2013) @ Tate Modern

    Info This may well be amazing, but it's £60!! and I'm not convinced the acoustics in the Turbine Hall will be in any way good. KRAFTWERK - THE CATALOGUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is a chronological exploration of the group’s sonic and visual experiments and presents eight classic master works from...
  9. teuchter

    The Tanks at Tate Modern

    These are open now, with various things going on over the next couple of months. Anyone else been? At the moment it includes an exhibition by Sun Hwang Kim which is rubbish but it's worth going along just to see the tanks themselves. It's one of the things I really enjoy about London, that...
  10. Gramsci

    Tate Modern season of Peter Watkins (The War Game) films in September

    ...portrait of the creative process as embedded within the spirit and the social relations of the time. In honour of this landmark film, Tate Modern presents a survey of Watkins’s acclaimed work on the occasion of the exhibition, Edvard Munch: The Modern Eye. A new article about Peter Watkins by...
  11. Treacle Toes

    HANDSWORTH SONGS at the TATE MODERN at 19.00 on Friday 26th

  12. editor

    Reverend Billy protests in Tate Modern Turbine Hall over BP sponsorship

    It's not exactly what I'd call a "mass" exorcism, but here the US's Rev Billy leading an action in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall over BP sponsorship. The YouTube comments are quite fun: http://www.youandifilms.com/2011/07/exorcism/
  13. tufty79

    Tonight (18th): CoolTan Arts' Midnight Walk - Tate Modern to the Maudsley

    ...forget this is happening until the last minute... anyway, yes. guided cultural/social/mentalwellbeingorientated walk, from the tate modern to the maudsley hospital. four hours or so worth of chunky facts, good people, decent cups of tea, and the history of mental health, southwark, and...
  14. Bungle73

    World's Most Expensive Painting Goes on Show at Tate Modern

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-12661727 I'm a regular visitor, so I'll have to check this out. :)
  15. editor

    Ai Weiwei Sunflower Seeds at the Tate Modern. Meh

    We went along to this on the weekend and it's as dull as dull can be. It might have been fun if you could walk on the things, but just staring at a room full of what looks like gravel is not very rewarding. Anyone else been? More pics...
  16. D

    'How It Is' - Miroslaw Balka - Tate Modern Turbine Hall

    I saw this today and it's highly recommended. It's the first genuinely terrifying work of art I've ever seen. Also, go there when it's busy. It's even better hearing all the voices and movement all around you as walk in towards the back while not being able to see anything but brief...
  17. ska invita

    Tate Modern extension

    Not sure if this isnt definitely going ahead, but here's the planned extension to tate modern: bearing in mind they had already approved this one, it'll probably go ahead:
  18. Cid

    Rodechenko and Popova at the Tate modern

    Russian Constructivism... :cool: Went to see this on monday, brilliant. Loads of stuff, anyone interested in constructivism could spend hours in there. Runs right from the early painted work, through the rejection of painting, into graphic design, fabrics (Popova's; they're really quite good)...
  19. E

    TH.2058 At The Tate Modern

    is this the worst yet? Other people's sculptures combined with some bunk beds so we can play at hiding from some unspecified sci-fi doom. The books on the beds and the films on the screen make you want to read a book or watch a film. Anything rather than this nonsense. :mad: etc
  20. Vintage Paw

    Tate Modern – Street or Studio

    ...100 people will be picked to be in the book. From the group: ABOUT THE EXHIBITION Street & Studio: A History of Urban Photography at (Tate Modern 22 May – 31 August 2008) presents a history of photographic portraiture: taken on the street or in the photographer’s studio. It contrasts...
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