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  1. Throbbing Angel

    Question Whatsapp -Two phone & one SIM scenario/'mare

    ...morning, so much so I was on the brink of launching a phone out the window. There are=1&c[title_only]=1&o=date'] a number of threads about WhatsApp but not any that seem to cover this, so... I want to have a BIG phone and a little phone because it is the 21st century and I can I don't want...
  2. editor

    WhatsApp lowers age limit to 13 in UK

    This can't be a good thing for kids but big corporations have got to keep the shareholders happy, eh? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/12/anger-from-campaigners-as-whatsapp-lowers-age-limit-to-13-in-uk-and-eu
  3. editor

    Cyber-flasher first to be jailed for new offence after WhatsApp pic

    I'm all in favour of this new law. It must be traumatising to get an inbox full of unwanted dick pics. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-68543605
  4. gentlegreen

    Whatsapp - how does it work ?

    ...didn't get sent and I was given the option to actually send them by SMS ... Unusually for me I actually have a few contacts on my phone and whatsapp had flagged that my brother uses the app ... and I had actually opened whatsapp earlier as a potential way to avoid PAYG charges ... Odd that...
  5. ItWillNeverWork

    The new WhatsApp terms and conditions

    So I just got a message from WhatsApp saying I need to accept their new terms and conditions. Apparently WhatsApp will eventually stop functioning if I we don’t agree to the terms. I had a quick look at their contract (I have absolutely no legal knowledge or expertise whatsoever) and whilst...
  6. 2hats

    WhatsApp New Terms of Service (Jan/Feb 2021)

    Goodbye WhatsApp. https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/01/07/whatsapps-new-terms-of-service-are-a-facebook-or-die-ultimatum/
  7. T & P

    Prominence of text/ WhatsApp messages present-day in films & series

    ...to hit the singles bars and leaves the phone behind, and as the door closes the camera zooms in on the phone as the screen lights up with a WhatsApp from the love of his life. And even when they’re not an important plot development, long text conversations between characters chatting are now...
  8. 19force8

    Italian Nazis try to sell Air to Air Missile on WhatsApp

    ...took it home and put it on ebay, but got no offers and twenty years later it's still in the shed. Well this: Air-to-air missile seized from far-right group in Italy, say officials https://gizmodo.com/italian-police-seize-air-to-air-missile-dozens-of-fire-1836396339 WhatsApp FFS. :facepalm:
  9. Don Troooomp

    Time to update your Whatsapp (political activists especially)

    ...so that probably means limited to the US military and anyone actively having a go at Israel in whatever way. It's most likely government, military, political figures, and anyone of interest to that bastard country, but it won't hurt to update anyway. WhatsApp discovers surveillance attack
  10. Idris2002

    WhatsApp without a Smartphone?

    Is it possible to have WhatsApp without a smartphone? Are they any "normal" phones that offer this feature?
  11. skyscraper101

    Facebook to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger

    WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger to 'merge' Should be interesting. I use Whatsapp way more than the other two. But I have DM conversations on all three. I can't see any immediate downsides other than being able to use one app for all which seems sensible.
  12. 1%er

    WhatsApp delete doesn't delete

    A couple of months ago Whatsapp introduced a "delete for everyone" feature allowing the sender to delete a message they sent with-in 7 minutes. While this will delete the message in whatsapp, it doesn't delete the message from the receivers phone and can still be read, if the person receiving it...
  13. Pickman's model

    Question WhatsApp charges

    Got a text apparently from WhatsApp saying I need to pay 99p to continue using the service. So I clicked the link and it wanted name email and that. Is this a thing? Text from same number as previous alerts from whatsapp
  14. Maharani

    Help How to delete a contact from whatsapp

    I've tried running through what google tells me but the number just won't shift and it's doing my heeeeed in. Please help! I have an iphone 6s....for my sins
  15. 1%er

    Whatsapp to share user data with facebook

    ...see anything about this on Urban so I thought I'd post something. Despite claiming it wouldn't share data when it was sold to facebook, whatsapp is now going to do so. If you don't want to share your whatsapp data with facebook you can go into settings on whatsapp and un-click share data, I...
  16. panpete

    Question Hi-help with whatsapp pls?

    Hi I read on my android whatsapp that all my messages, chats etc, are end-to-end-encrypted where possible. Is there a way that I an set my phone up so that all my chats, messages etc, are set to be end-to-end encrypted. I keep getting messages on certain friends whatsapp that thier security...
  17. editor

    OMG WhatsApp is down!

    Not a great time for it to fuck up! :mad::mad::mad:
  18. frogwoman

    whatsapp to be banned 'within weeks'

    FFS they cant do this can they...
  19. Ted Striker

    WhatsApp through Chrome

    A pretty simple idea that's really quite useful (esp to desk bound office types) and could be a bit of a game changer for the instant messanging scene. Either way it's pretty clever stuff. https://web.whatsapp.com/ (Yep, by the time I write this IM will be an outdated tech, but still...)
  20. Kid_Eternity

    Facebook just bought WhatsApp for $16 billion!

    WOW. Facebook basically now own the two big players in the new social media...
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