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The Winner Sinner man


say NO to the vaccine
Working on Oxford Street you are subjected to a lot of freaky goings on form the bonkers pro Israeli bunch having megaphone fights with the bonkers pro Palestine cretins (who can never make up there minds if they are Communist, Muslem or anarchists) to cat fights between people walking down one way and someone else walking down another. But theres is one man who stands out from the crowd.

Supposedly his name is Terry. He walks around with a megaphone and preaches about the evils of consumarism, and tells us that we are going to hell unless we follow the path of Jeezus.
This is him:


many of you people will have definitely come across him at one time or another. He stands outside our shop all of the time, and now it seems that he has turned his megaphone so loud that the whole of London can hear him. All you Brixtonians can probably hear him now, if you open your modern day double glazed windows.

"Are you a sinner or are you a winner? That's why Jesus came down. So that he could get all you sinners and turn you into winners" or something on those lines. He is anti materialistic too, although I did have the privelige of serving him with a Celine Dion CD t' other day.

There is now another preacher on the street. An illumanist Christian, who used to tout in Golders Green before being hounded off. About 99% of Christians and 100% of illumanists don't like Jews very much, so it wasn't a very good idea. He has teamed up with winner sinner bloke and gives out leaflets about Hell.

Has anyone else noticed Winner Sinner guy around their parts. i do know that when I was working in Harringay, that he used to preach there.
Yeah, he's a regular on my path to work as well. Called Phil by all accounts. See this thread.

How did he react to you taking a pic of him? Was that the action of a winner.....or a sinner?
I think he's great . All that tireless work to save our souls .

I just hope he hasn't chosen the wrong religion :eek:
He's trying a couple of new catchphrases out at the moment - heard one last night and can't remember it now, but he always falls back on 'Be winner, not a sinner'...

Gives me a grin every night on the way to the tube...
kyser_soze said:
He's trying a couple of new catchphrases out at the moment - heard one last night and can't remember it now, but he always falls back on 'Be winner, not a sinner'...

Gives me a grin every night on the way to the tube...

Yeh, I heard him the other day, it's quite amusing. He's our alternative answer to the guy in the white pants at Times Square!
I've seen him around Oxford Street same as everyone else.

A few years ago, pre-megaphone days, he came to evangelise at me while I was eating my lunch in Leicester Square. His mad babbling was quite soothing in his gentle scouse accent so I let him talk at me while I ate a cream filled danish. Suddenly, in mid sentance, he stopped to tell me that a big blob of cream was about to fall down my shirt. That ruined his religious pitch, but I've had more sympathy for him than any other shouty evangelists since.

I'm still a sinner though :)
OK, someone needs to get over their London induced fear of conversations and ask him what his name is.

Not me though. I had a conversation with him and I swear I still have a ringing in my ears.
Private Storm said:
OK, someone needs to get over their London induced fear of conversations and ask him what his name is.

Not me though. I had a conversation with him and I swear I still have a ringing in my ears.

It's Terry - it says so in the linked article...
kyser_soze said:
It's Terry - it says so in the linked article...
Thank you very much, I can read as well :rolleyes:

The point was that someone else (The B?) had named him as being called 'Phil' on another thread. I'm sure he had his reasons..
Yep I work right by Oxford Circus - what's more disturbing is I can hear him when i'm on the loo.... :eek:
He's got competition, there was another bloke outside House of Fraser on tueday...

That reminds me, hello mango5!

I wonder if he can tell who's a sinner and who's a winner just by looking at them? Maybe he can tell by their short skirts and breasts.. ;)
He's definately Phil, I've talked to him several times and if you shout out Phil he will usually turn his head to you or something.
He has become a bit of a legend now. I don't know one person who lives in london and hasn't met him.
I wonder if he has ever actualy converted anyone to Christianity though?
bosco said:
Christianity largely contradicts the Bible (of which is Jewish, not Christian). Christians beleive that without the New Testement, the Bible would make no sense. Christians also harbour bitterness about the words of Pilate at the end of Matthew (blood libel). A real Christian is a natural Jew hater.
Illumanists beleive all of this and that the Jews own the world and are making us wear tin foil hats (or something to that effect) One of the nut jobs on Oxford Street is an illumanist, but doesn't tell you until you are in mid conversation.
I see him daily at the moment.

Annoys the crap out of me, but I guess if it makes him happy...

He's a lot better than the Nigerian guy who does the rounds on the underground... a captive audience in a tube carriage, rants on about gays and lesbians, quite a threatening chap too.

Misguided deluded cunt, if you ask me, but the Scouse guy is alright, no dodgy anti-Semetic/homophobic stuff as far as I know.

Mind you, I'll bet two pretty girls snogging in front of him would freak him out.

I'd bet he'd get a stiffy too. That would make him a sinner I guess.
Up until recently I used to work right next to Oxford Circu tube and you could hear him all the f**king time in work depending on the time of the day. He's a complete lunatic. He also picks on young girls about 10, 11 etc and tells them they're going to hell. A thoroughly nasty piece of work. He was on the big anti-war demo in february last year and he's often seen outside Arsenal games.

Should be locked up like all religious nutters...
HarrisonSlade said:
Christianity largely contradicts the Bible (of which is Jewish, not Christian). Christians beleive that without the New Testement, the Bible would make no sense. Christians also harbour bitterness about the words of Pilate at the end of Matthew (blood libel). A real Christian is a natural Jew hater.
Illumanists beleive all of this and that the Jews own the world and are making us wear tin foil hats (or something to that effect) One of the nut jobs on Oxford Street is an illumanist, but doesn't tell you until you are in mid conversation.
i've not got any time for christianity or judaism, but to say 99% of christians hate jews is bollocks, and it doesn't really back it up by picking selected bits from the bible to suggest that a real christian is a natural jew hater - surely if someone went by the new testament then they're meant to judge not others and love and forgive all folk, so they wouldn't hate jews. and anyway, i don't see how 99% of christians hating jews would make it not a good idea to preach in a jewish area, as long as the reverse wasn't true about jews and christians.
cogg said:
Up until recently I used to work right next to Oxford Circu tube and you could hear him all the f**king time in work depending on the time of the day. He's a complete lunatic. He also picks on young girls about 10, 11 etc and tells them they're going to hell. A thoroughly nasty piece of work. He was on the big anti-war demo in february last year and he's often seen outside Arsenal games.

Should be locked up like all religious nutters...

Sadly, yes, Highbury is sometimes blighted by his appearing...

And I think he's a letcher, he spends an awful lot of time around the Topshop shouting at the...errr...not older women?

In talking to him/winding him up he's called Phil, he used to be a drug addict, he used to be violent against non-Christians (his words) and then 'came to terms with things' and became really intrusive and annoying instead...

Hare Krishnas over Phil anytime...they once got into a scuffle down Oxford Street, police intervened and everything, the Krishnas were being pacifist types though and Phil was absolutely kicking the crap...
He's a scouser ain't he?

I went up to him at a gig where he was er...preaching I suppose and I put on my best Liverpool accent (ask Flavour, he's heard it) and the poor bloke thought I was actually a Liverpuddlian sinner and lectured me on my 'sins'!....... :D
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