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Serious incident in/around KFC Brixton - man assaulted and later dies


Looks like something nasty occurred in Brixton tonight, right next to (or possibly in) the KFC (Coldharbour Lane/Brixton Rd, opposite the Ritzy).

The road was closed and taped off, there were several police cars and paramedics on the scene and around 1145pm, an ambulance sped off towards the hospital with a full, sirens blazing police escort.

Twitter is full of the usual rumours (stabbings/shootings etc) but one thing is for sure: someone got hurt tonight :(

Anyone know any more?
Not seen or heard anything.
BBC London said that the road is still (05:30) part closed after an incident.

BBC London update said that a man is in a serious condition after a fight.
I asked the police about it last night and they said it was a 'very serious assault' and it was outside rather than inside KFC. Still all cordoned off when I went past this morning at 8.30am so must be pretty bad.
the cynic in me says it must've been a white person if they went to the trouble of closing the whole of CHL. there's been fatal stabbings on that corner that they havent bothered doing that for.
From the South London Press:
A MAN is fighting for his life after being assaulted outside a fast food takeaway.
Cops said the man, described as in his 30s, was in a “critical condition” after the assault.
The attack happened outside KFC in Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, at around 10pm last night (Thursday).
The busy road was sealed-off this morning. Scotland Yard was this morning unable to state whether the victim had been stabbed or not.
Eyewitnesses described the man being treated by ambulance staff at the side of Coldharbour Lane while dozens of people looked-on

http://www.southlondonpress.co.uk/n...e=Man fighting for life after Brixton assault
Gabi: I've seen parts of CHL similarly closed for assaults on all shades of folk.
we'll see

my bedroom looks down on that corner and in 2 years ive not seen such a police presence or that amount of police tape. normally they close off a very small area.
yeah, I saw it go down.

I'd just come out of the Ritzy after watching Win Win (great film btw).

We were waiting at the bus-stop when a bottle smashed on the road next to us thrown by some guys on the other side of the road from the kfc (northbound side of the road) which was intended to hit a couple of white guys that were just crossing the road, coming away from the people on the other side of the road.

They were clearly pissed off by the people on the other side of the road, no idea why though, I could hear them saying something but can't remember what I head them say.

Then the two guys that had crossed the road started heading towards the tube station but barely got a few feet before the guy in the white t-shirt said to his friend 'watch out for this one coming up here' (or something), they hastily turned round. I then saw a black guy come up the pavement towards KFC from the tube-station with what looked like a make-shift axe (!). He was wielding it above his head, clearly looking to do some damage to these two guys. The two guys went into the KFC but then came out seconds later, the guy with the make-shift axe swung it at the guy in the white t-shirt who managed to deflect it. At this point a bus had arrived and everyone at the bus stop was trying to avoid the fight. I stepped onto the bus and was looking out as the scene behind me and I saw the guy swing again. I swiped my oyster card and turned round again and the guy in the white t-shirt was lying unconscious on the ground, not moving.

As the bus pulled away my g/f was calling 999 but a police car had already arrived.

Very serious, that make-shift axe looked seriously hefty too. Must have hurt, the guy the got hit must have been hit in the head with it.
Jesus. We'd just come out of the pub when the road was being taped off but the police wouldn't say what had happened. I hope they caught that maniac and I hope the poor fella is ok :(
yeah, I saw it go down. Etc it.

A guy beats someone up with an axe in front of dozens of witnesses and CCTV cameras?

Surely this will lead to a conviction.

If the police don't already, they should post an officer on that KFC corner outside their normal 'office' hours.
The whole area is constantly monitored by cctv, hence the police arriving so quickly. In fact they could probably have arrived sooner, I suspect, but had to get enough people to attend the scene?
A guy beats someone up with an axe in front of dozens of witnesses and CCTV cameras?

Surely this will lead to a conviction.

If the police don't already, they should post an officer on that KFC corner outside their normal 'office' hours.

that corners totally safe now. if the cops want to get the cunts responsible i'd suggest they post an officer outside the lloyds/off license on acre lane which is where all the dealers have moved to.
The guy came running up the road pretty quickly with that weapon. I'm betting it was hidden somewhere nearby as it was far to big to be concealed on someone. I wouldn't call any place with nearby hidden weapons 'safe' myself.

The guy doing the attacking was pretty brazen about it and wasn't put off by 30-40 on-lookers.

Hopefully the police will get some decent CCTV footage.
by the way, i guess what people call 'safe' is relative. i dont feel threatened there like i do when i go into the off license on acre lane where theyve shunted the dealers who used to frequent that corner.

drug tourists kicking off at yardies and getting a kicking themselves are not an uncommon sight in the general vicinity unfortunately. an axe is extreme though.
If the axe man is a dealer no doubt there'll be some public pressure to clean up the corner by the Acre Lane bus stop. Does anyone know what the police policy is for street dealing at the moment? There's been a lot of stop and search recently, and quite a few arrests. http://cms.met.police.uk/met/boroug...s/lambeth_officers_swoop_in_on_street_dealers For a while there was an officer standing outside KFC all day as a deterrent. And there are lots of extra officers in the borough because of Project Hannah. http://cms.met.police.uk/met/boroughs/lambeth/04how_are_we_doing/news/project_hannah_update It will be interesting to see how the police respond to this attack. If they do arrest a bunch of dealers, new ones will take their place. And the new ones are more likely to be the reckless Jamaican variety. Which might be why so many low profile dealers seem to be tolerated year after year by the police.
The council knows there's an issue with the lot who hang around on Acre Lane, and that they can be pretty intimidating.

I can only guess that, in the grand scheme of things, the police in Brixton believe they have bigger fish to fry than street drug dealers. Every so often they do a clamp-down and try to catch the suppliers further up the chain. But as mentioned above - as soon as you take out a few of the street guys or even someone further up the chain, the void gets filled very quickly. It's a thankless task for the police really.
Just spoke to a detective who is looking for witnesses and CCTV recordings. He said the axe was actually a pole, and that the villain ran off down Coldharbour Lane.
The council knows there's an issue with the lot who hang around on Acre Lane, and that they can be pretty intimidating. .

Very intimidating. At 1.30am, when I pass each night, there is quite a little gang outside lloyds bank. Not good, but what can you do?
erm, you could try getting used to it perhaps? I pass these guys at least twice a day (at all hours of day and night), am regularly in and out of the offlicence they hang about outside, and have never had any trouble whatsoever with any of them. The only 'intimidation' I've ever had was from some of their roughneck female hangers-on and once or twice from some kids hanging about who probably weren't even connected to the dealers, and got a bit stroppy when I declined to buy alcohol for them. I'm not trying to be all happy clappy "let's all get along" about these guys - we've not got to the meet & greet or name-asking stage or anything - but appearances can be deceptive. If you're not looking to buy drugs or cause fights the Acre Lane crew seem happy to ignore you and let you ignore them.
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