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Riot going on now in Bristol - Stokes Croft


Well-Known Member
Squat at site of planned tescos, tried to evict it, resistance.. locals in st pauls came down, has all kicked off.
Nothing on mainstream news all on twitter follow #stokescroft

allegations of petrol bombs, certainly fires, barricades etc
ok the squat was across the road to the tescos
Pretty sure there has been a long running campaign against that tescos

butchers? you around?
from twitter... "Stood on Magpie squat roof saw cops charge, rammed by ablaze wheelie bins serious violance/anger on stokes croft"
The tesco opened last friday apparently, against the wishes of local residents. We really need people local to Bristol to comment on it I think
from twitter doesn't seem like it's a huge riot, fairly localised to two or three streets and more pushing and shoving than bricks and petrol bombs, but I don't want to stand by that statement, it's not really clear what's going on

twitter said:
Was put off by word 'riot' but live coverage looked peaceful so have just got myself down there- and it is. #stokescroft

Doesn't sound like it's kicking off big time at the moment, but see what happens when the clubs kick out
Seems a bit odd to me that the police would decide to conduct a controversial eviction at midnight on what may be their busiest night for months.
Wow :oops:

There's a thread in the Briz forum btw, with some mixed opinions. A huge amount of community organisation and solidarity has gone into resisting the Stokes Croft Tescos though, with activism going on for ages. Nice to see community self-organisation paying off and people actually taking a stand (to be ripped off by 'Best' and keep the exploitation local haha). Pretty weird the cops deciding to evict that squat IMO, they've been there ages, i've been to parties in there.... maybe they were being 'linked to' the trouble?

Hopefully they'll be lots of reduced goods in the morning for those so inclined, most of which will probably end up in the bin for the hungry Bristol freegans! :D
It does look like if the police just went away everyone would have a bit of party, paint some more of their crazy graffiti and then fuck off home to bed.
ah, didn't think to look in the bristol forum for a thread. I'm going to bed now, half of me hopes it kicks off big style once the clubs kick out, half of me hopes that it calms down.
Someone is yelling on the live feed about a police van being 'abandoned'

......here we go again.
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