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Thames/South Bank beach party?


New Member
Hey folks,

I stumbled upon a beach party along the Thames last night Saturday 26 March, just below BFI Southbank/Royal Festival Hall. What a super sight!

Does anyone know where the best place to find information about upcoming 'beach parties' might be? Is it simply a word-of-mouth affair or there a website/community I could head to to find out more?

Thanks :)
There was a regular do there called "Trance on Thames" and before that "Reclaim the Beach" until last year, and they used to be listed (Trance on Thames was on harderfaster.net).

You could google and find them.

But last year they stopped doing parties on that beach, I heard that some (possibly drunken) idiot fell off the stairs leading down to the beach, and as a result "the powers that be" started locking the gate at the top of the stairs on "elf n safety" grounds.

It would be good if someone started doing events there regularly again this summer.

If you come across a party there - ask someone who is the promoter, is my advice.

There was a regular do there called "Trance on Thames" and before that "Reclaim the Beach" until last year, and they used to be listed (Trance on Thames was on harderfaster.net).

You could google and find them.

But last year they stopped doing parties on that beach, I heard that some (possibly drunken) idiot fell off the stairs leading down to the beach, and as a result "the powers that be" started locking the gate at the top of the stairs on "elf n safety" grounds.

It would be good if someone started doing events there regularly again this summer.

If you come across a party there - ask someone who is the promoter, is my advice.


Last one I went to (which I can't remember if it was last year or the year before) the gates were locked but it didn't seem to be stopping anyone.

Never heard anything about the person falling off the stairs but I did hear rumours of some fairly nasty sexual assaults when women went along the river wall to find a secluded spot for a piss.
check the tides, check the weather there'll probably be something on if they both look good. :)

Love those beach parties :cool:
Thanks guys.

The gates were locked last night, but as Monkeygrinder's Organ says, this didn't stop anyone from jumping over.

I asked a few people about upcoming events and the best answer I got was that last night's party was the first of the season.
Thanks guys.

The gates were locked last night, but as Monkeygrinder's Organ says, this didn't stop anyone from jumping over.

I asked a few people about upcoming events and the best answer I got was that last night's party was the first of the season.

What kind of music was it? DJs or actual musicians? I remember a few "Reclaim the Beach" parties 3 or 4 years ago, where they had a proper live band, drum kit and all. All sorts of different styles of music.

Trance on Thames was .... well, clue's in the name, really.

Well, this person could have discovered more information by asking anyone at the party that they saw going on, or googling for around 30 seconds......

I don't really know what the situation is with this beach - there have been a lot of events there, and I haven't ever seen one closed down by the police.

They are never going to go on beyond a certain time - guaranteed - because if they start in the afternoon / early evening then within a few hours the tide will come in and the beach will be underwater.

Haha, I can explain. I googled the beach party in the hopes of finding out more information & Urban75 returned the best results, though they dated back to 2010 and '06.

@Giles We couldn't stay long (hence why this is an itch I need to scratch), but the music they played while I was there consisted mainly drum and bass and electro (think Prodigy remixes).
Very very dodgy first post

Haha, I can explain. I googled the beach party in the hopes of finding out more information & Urban75 returned the best results, though they dated back to 2010 and '06. I did ask a few people and they were clueless and/or a bit too high to offer a decent response.

@Giles We couldn't stay long (hence why this is an itch I need to scratch), but the music they played while I was there consisted mainly drum and bass and electro (think Prodigy remixes).
ive been to a couple of RTBs that the cops shut down

I've been to quite a few where there's been a pressence and the solstice one the other year where it got moved and they tried to shut it down :D It's river police's juristiction there I think?

Dancing on a beach in the middle of London on a hot sunday afternoon in your bikini - life doesn't get much better than that ;)
Someone once told me that it's, like not officially London, cos it's in the river yeah? So the pigs cant touch it, right? Or something :D
Dancing on a beach in the middle of London on a hot sunday afternoon in your bikini - life doesn't get much better than that ;)
I've never danced in gabi's bikini :(

Someone once told me that it's, like not officially London, cos it's in the river yeah? So the pigs cant touch it, right? Or something :D
Someone once told me that it's, like not officially London, cos it's in the river yeah? So the pigs cant touch it, right? Or something :D

It's the responsibility of the PLA & River PO-lice, so only the Mcnultys can git ya and that for endagering shipping on the Thames.
But it does beg the question why they haven't stopped them doesn't it? :D

I suspect because they aren't really bothering that many people, just having fun, and also once there is a crowd there, they would have to gather quite a lot of police to force it to stop, and they've got other things to do.

And as I said earlier at least the police know that a party on that beach cannot go on all night, due to tides. They know that after a few hours, the rising tide will force everyone to pack up and go home.

Someone once told me that it's, like not officially London, cos it's in the river yeah? So the pigs cant touch it, right? Or something :D

what i've been told is that the river is not the met's responsibility and that the river police have no jurisdiction on the banks of the thames, don't know how much (if any) truth there is in it.

it's no secret who does the parties and they're generally well promoted and in a very easy to close down location (though there is a risk of people jumping in the thames), they never seem bothered as long as some effort is made keep things clean- a quick chat with an officer goes a long way to ease tensions. i remember one party where this didn't happen and the gates were locked and lined with coppers, you just had to walk past them and jump the gate- they would mind out of your way if you asked them. very odd.
They cops defo wanted to stop one I was involved in. It was the evening of the opening of the RFH and there were 1000s of people already there. Still it all went down river at the Oxo tower instead ;)
They cops defo wanted to stop one I was involved in. It was the evening of the opening of the RFH and there were 1000s of people already there. Still it all went down river at the Oxo tower instead ;)

Me too :D They didn't stop it though did they? :cool:

All a bit of a haze that one was :oops:
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